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Dance Valley used too be great, now it's shit

Forums Rave Parties Dance Valley Dance Valley used too be great, now it's shit

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  • ” Dance Valley used too be great, no its shit ”
    What are you opinions?

    Safety was not good at the exit, with 10000 of people all leaving through a little exit like with containers next to each other, as big as two doors for all those people! And then people pushing each other

    I’ve never had the chance to go to big events in NL but I’ve read similar comments on some NL language forums even since a few years ago.

    Unfortunately this seems to be happening everywhere in Europe; there is a backlash against drugs, noisy events and EDM. So less events happen other than in big cities, and too many people get crammed into the same event in that city. Which is of course unsafe for those who do attend the events.

    These has not been an EDM event in my town (or the surrounding rural areas) for nearly 7 years, people are now expected to go to London which is 80km away and it costs the equivalent of €50 to get the train there!

    GL, I’m taking you to a big electronic festival for your 50th birthday.

    Trumpf will have to be gone by then, otherwise USA might not let me in (in spite of my cautions being long expired/struck off and having a govt safeguarding clearance that says there is no longer any relevant info on them (I need this to legally work with seniors and other vulnerable people)

    [quote quote=1251344]Trumpf will have to be gone by then, otherwise USA might not let me in (in spite of my cautions being long expired/struck off and having a govt safeguarding clearance that says there is no longer any relevant info on them (I need this to legally work with seniors and other vulnerable people)
    [/quote]Oh I was planning on going to NL with you (provided I can get in). Although one of the longest running Psy Trance festivals is ~4 hours from my home.

    in 5 years time I am likely to need a visa for NL and DE too (although at least I’m hoping at having a better chance at getting one without too much hassle)

    I’ll go to Creamfields with you

    me too

    Creamfields 2018

    Psy Trance festivals are good in NL YES!
    Creamfields i have never been, in the UK right?
    I see it has the UK Festival Award – Best toilets too haha

    not sure if I’d recommend Creamfields UK to *anyone* (especially if you might seem “foreign”) after hearing about this incident:

    TBH if I ever went to an EDM event again it would very likely be in NL or DE and even then I’d be very careful which one I chose..

    I went to Creamfields on my own this year the only violence i seen was a massive black guy getting took down by three security. Is it harsh to assume he got caught dealing dodgy ket? It’s not like the promotional videos you see for creamfields with the hot girls lezing up n stuff. most peeps just wanna dance while out of their heads. Being sober now this wasn’t a sight for sore eyes! Everyone seemed friendly and happy to be there and with other people. The environment was dirty but stand able. The music is deffo for the younger generation of ravers! It was still the one of the best experiences of my adult life. I’d highly recommend it to anyone

    the security incident appears to be a legit citizens arrest of a suspect, most likely within sight of real cops and CCTV. These all now get logged and have to be accounted for, you can often even look on the old bill website for the area where the festival occured and there will be a list of incidents posted under freedom of info section.

    The lad who was attacked was not set upon *within* the arena (its clearly full of rentaguards and cops from your own description!) but in campsite/carpark outside.

    Alas this is not the first such incident I’ve heard of nor is it a “Northern” thing; there have been similar attacks at festivals in Essex, Suffolk and Reading over the years.

    Tends to be angry lads on too many roids who’ve maybe been turned down by a girl or are just going through mood swings and are looking for an easy victim.

    They don’t of course beat up loads of people or start mass fights like some scene out of Game of Thrones (b/c security is well aware to this particular risk) but just pick one or two at a time per event in less policed areas.

    So take care of your personal safety, wherever you go..


      [quote quote=1251340]GL, I’m taking you to a big electronic festival for your 50th birthday.[/quote]

      Is that already past GL 50th?





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    Forums Rave Parties Dance Valley Dance Valley used too be great, now it's shit