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  • Hello again Lords (mods) and Gods (dr B) and General Lighting (who I can only imagine is Dr Bs secret lover or why else would he be a mod?????)

    What is this rubion stuff and why is it suggesting my account is at risk? Is this warning us that Dr B is incapable of coding even a modestly secure site? Or is this a paid ad I can comfortably ignore?

    Where are you getting these messages from? Thanks.

    From GL…..

    Sorry Dr B, I can only assume I was totally fucked when I wrote that……

    Actually, sorry. I still have errors but hope you will forgive the ridiculous diatribe I embarked on in my original post. The errors I get when I go to the number, just to to the left of where it says Howdy Tryptameanie. I get a drop down menu when I hover over this saying I have 2 replies and 76 mentions. Clicking on the replies takes me to a single thread, rather than a list of threads with replies, but clicking on the 76 mentions takes me to a 404 page.

    Sorry for my discourteous original post…..






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Forums Web Site Your Feedback, Questions & Suggestions What's the Rubion stuff/