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Forums Drugs Amphetamines CPS issues HELP! I NEED ADVICE!

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  • CPS came to my home and gave me a mouth swab. I failed it for meth but have been clean since June 22nd of last year. Luckily I had another drug test here at the house which I took immediately. That test showed that I had AMPHETAMINES in my system NOT METH. SO my question is this, will they be able to see that I took more pills than perscribed? I took a hair follicle that same day

    Mouthswabs are notoriously inaccurate. I don’t think they can definitively say you took more pills than prescribed especially with a cheap at home test but definitely plead your case with the judge or whoever and explain the situation. Good luck!

    Apologies for not replying sooner. Drug tests are wildly inaccurate, certain compounds will produce metabolites that will cause a test to give false positives. I once tested positive for amphetamine but had used no amphetamine at all, seems methiopropamine produces similar metabolites as amphetamine.

    I’m no expert in hair analysis but I believe it can be used to tell what has been used and roughly when. One thing I know for certain is that no hair test can say how much was used, only what was used. They can’t show exactly when they were used but they cangive an estimate with about a 10 day either side margin of error.

    Something I did want to throw in is that CPS can do whatever they want; so good luck and I hope it works hout.

    Ditto DB






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Forums Drugs Amphetamines CPS issues HELP! I NEED ADVICE!