Online survey: How best to communicate potential harms of ecstasy / MDMA? Hi,
My name is Gabrielle Edgerton ( ) and I am Public Health masters student at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU). I am currently looking for participants for my dissertation. I am carrying out an online survey exploring how best to communicate potential harms around ecstasy / MDMA
If you live in the UK are aged 18-34 and have used ecstasy / MDMA in the previous 12 months it would be a great help if you could take part. It should take no longer than 30 minutes at most. Please follow the link below for more information .
Link to study-
If you have any more questions feel free to contact me by email:
or alternatively PM me.
Thank you
This study has gained ethical approval from LJMU ethics committee (Reference number- 17/PBH/027)
Drug decision-making PhD research survey – only takes 15 minutes to complete Hi,
My name is Lucy and I am a PhD student at the Public Health Institute at Liverpool John Moores University. I am currently looking for participants to complete my online questionnaire: ‘Understanding the importance of different factors associated with drug use decision-making’. The questionnaire includes a couple of demographic questions and questions relating to which features of drugs influence decisions to use. Additionally, the study will ask you to choose hypothetical products in order to establish the importance of drug attributes.
Participants must be aged between 18 and 35 and must have used any drug recreationally in the past five years to be eligible to take part in the study. The study is completely confidential, voluntary and anonymous. The questionnaire will only take 15 minutes and is easy to complete.
Full ethical approval has been approved from the LJMU research ethics committee.
To complete the survey please click the link below:
If you have any further questions please email me at: or if you wish to find out more about the study please visit the site:
Your participation will be very much appreciated.
Thank you,
Help a struggling student: survey participants needed Morning all, sorry I haven't been round here much lately ! New and very busy but fulfilling job and relationship taking up most of the time :) Anyway ...
My beloved partner is on the final module of her psychology degree, and urgently needs participants who are willing to fill in a survey on "Attitudes towards a harm reduction response to drug use in the UK". The survey is anonymous and all questions are voluntary.
The purpose of the survey is not to reveal public opinion, but to allow the student to prove statistical analytical skills as part of her degree in developing a new scale of measurement on this topic. So she needs a few hundred participants to get reliable results.
The survey can be accessed at
I'm posting it here rather than in 'drugs' because it's not about personal drug use as such but aimed at anyone whatever their opinions and experiences. Mods please feel free to move the thread if you think it's better elsewhere.
Thankyou all :)
"Global" survey on Cocaine Use Hey guys,
we're three students from Germany who try to set up a "global" statistic on cocaine use for our course "human biology and health" at the University of Vechta.
The Statistic will be used for our presentation which deals with drug use.
Therefore we made a online survey which is of course completely anonymous and we would be very very grateful if you would support us with attending (the survey takes about 2-3 minutes).
The link: Online survey Umfrage zum Kokainkonsum
We apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar mistake we made.
If you have any suggestions for improvement don't hesitate to make a comment.
Torben, Sina & Katharina
Alcohol, MDMA and Mephedrone Experiences and Opinions Research Hello all,
below is a link to a structured-interview type survey I am currently using to collect data for my latest piece of research. It consists of multiple choice questions and comment boxes in which you can write as much or as little as you like. You can do it on phones or tablets but a computer would be better if you plan on typing a lot.
Up until this point my research has focused on the psychopharmacological aspects of MDMA and Mephedrone use (both papers concerning the drugs effects on Cortisol, the papers and posters presented at the Novel Psychoactive Substances conference last year are available on request), in an attempt to attain a comprehensive clinical understanding of the motivations, fears, opinions, and harm reduction strategies of MDMA, Mephedrone and alcohol users I have developed these questions.
All are welcome to take part irrespective of past drug use, any questions please let me know. Give me a shout on here if you have any questions and feel free to share the below link, thank you!
Has MDMA affected YOUR life? Passionate about It? I am part of team at an independent television production company, Renegade Pictures, which is making a definitive new documentary about MDMA/ecstasy for Channel 4 in the UK.
The aim of the documentary is to explore the use of MDMA: the myths surrounding its dangers, its potential therapeutic benefits, it’s role in modern culture and the effect of prohibition. We are working with high profile scientists at Imperial and UCL to put together a scientific study for the programme.
However, as well as talking to a range of scientists and policy makers we also want to talk to real people about their experiences with ecstasy and MDMA.
So if you have been affected by MDMA, if its changed your life for better or worse then please don't hesitate in contacting me!1234
Participate in a study investigating self-medication with novel substances (NPS) KCL ethics approval #: HR-22/23-36258
Principal Investigator: Tayler Holborn, MRes, BSc
Sponsor: King's College London, Institute of Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience
Self-rated effectiveness of novel psychoactive substances (NPS) in self-medicating mood and anxiety disorders
The purpose of this study is to assess self-medication with NPS. There is evidence to suggest that individuals may be self-medicating with NPS, however this is scarcely represented in the academic literature. We aim to examine the self-rated effectiveness (SRE) of novel psychoactive substances (NPS) for mood and anxiety disorders compared to conventionally prescribed treatments. As a proponent of evidence-based drug policy, we hope that understanding how NPS are being used can help to positively influence drug policy.
To find out more about the study, visit the following link:
What will happen if I take part?
If you agree to take part you will complete a survey anonymously. The survey will take you approximately 15 minutes to complete. The survey will ask you questions about your gender, age, ethnicity, country of residence, medication you may be using and its effectiveness, NPS you may be using and its effectiveness and your perceptions of professional healthcare. The survey will also ask about the mood/anxiety disorder you are suffering from and your mental health experiences.
Who is eligible to participate?
You are being invited to participate in this study because we are interested to hear from the general public. If you are 18-years old, or older, understand English, and have used/are using a NPS to self-medicate a mood or anxiety disorder, then you are eligible to participate in this study. To participate you do not require a formal mood or anxiety disorder diagnosis.
If you have any questions, please contact Tayler Holborn (
DMT Entity Diplomacy With Dr. Andrew Gallimore – DMTX
This is a great and far-ranging discussion with chemist and neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Gallimore about his continuous DMT infusion project (DMTx) and his new book Reality Switch Technologies. Enjoy!
UK internet sourcing of controlled medicines opioids, sedatives and GABA drugs Hi there,
I am part of a research team at Liverpool John Moores University, UK.
We would like to interview you about your experiences, awareness, experiences and perspectives concerning internet sourcing and unsafe medical use of controlled medicines (opioids, sedatives and GABA drugs) in the UK. Your views are important in terms of providing an overview of the complexities and processes of patient online sourcing of opioids, sedatives and GABA medicines and will help to inform how we can raise patient awareness around risks and harms.
The study has received ethical clearance from Liverpool John Moores University REC (reference 20/PHI/024), and it commenced on the 1st April 2021. We are looking to recruit people based in the UK. Unfortunately we cannot offer direct compensation for participants’ time. However, it is hoped that this work will strategically inform national UK and European regulatory medicines and health care policy.
The interviews are conversational in nature and should take between 30-60 minutes. They can be conducted over Zoom, MS Teams or over the phone.
If you would like to hear more please email me at, my colleague Jen at, or through the forum.
Hope to speak soon.
Drug Science Medical Psychedelics Working Group. "On July 14th 2020, the UK’s leading independent scientific body on drugs has launched the Drug Science Medical Psychedelics Working Group.
Drug Science provides an evidence base free from political or commercial influence, creating the foundation for sensible and effective drug laws, by delivering, reviewing and investigating scientific evidence relating to psychoactive drugs.
Drug Science believes that the future of psychedelic medicine is extremely promising, and there is potential for widespread application of psychedelic drugs within public health models. The UK is a world leader in the development of clinical psychedelic research, which is now expanding globally.
However, current UK regulations have created serious and considerable barriers to legitimate research associated with Schedule 1 regulations. While current legislation does not preclude scientific research with these drugs, it does make them significantly more difficult, time-consuming and costly to study.
With a greater understanding amongst policy makers, academics, the media and the general public, there are realistic prospects of regulatory approval, leading to the evidenced possibility that medical psychedelics can be used safely, feasibly and with the potential for lasting therapeutic benefits.
Building off the success of the Medical Cannabis Working Group, the Medical Psychedelics Working Group is a consortium of Drug Science experts, leading academics, researchers and policy specialists, supported by industry partners."
Where’s the fucking news category? And Trump distracts with drugs.. Where's the fucking news section gone? Until it's resurrected I'm going to post random shit in random sub-forums about bizarre shit.....
Now back to the meat of the matter, Trump, in the middle of a pandemic when over 1,000 people are starting to die daily, he declares drugs to be worse and massively increases funding to pointless endeavours during a pandemic, while being slammed from all sides for not using the power of the federal government to mitigate the pandemic inducing virus.
I wish I had something better to link to but watching this fat orange cunt speak irks me......
Government Review Finds Government Don’t Care Things are worse than ever and the government has done nothing but make matters worse by woefully under funding services. I'll link to the full report in a comment below.
Novel Psychoactive Substances Research Study Do you currently use any substances which have been referred to as novel, legal or research chemicals – often bought online?
A lot has been said in the media in recent years about these ‘novel psychoactive substances’ and recreational drug researchers in the School of Psychology, at the University of East London want to find out who takes them, how often, in what sort of amounts etc.
If you use these types of drugs then we would really value your help. Anything we find will be passed back to you and people like you through online forums and our own website.
Interested? Please use the link below to complete our questionnaires:
For further details, please contact the researchers:
Kirstie Soar: OR Daniel
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