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  • just out of curiosity, I was just wondering where I can find a site that would have physical dicriptions of pill and or acid and tell what each specifically does.B cause I am going to this party, and want to be better prepared this time. is a good place to find out about the quality of Ecstasy in circulation in your area.

    Very very difficult…. you can try a pill tomorrow… say a Mit, a Euro or a Cali…… but who’s to say that a month from now… you try/buy the same pill(s) – by name and therefore recognition (unless from the same batch) – and I’ll guarantee that you’ll not get the same effect. Pills, although recognisable by name, or marque, come in various degrees of composition.

    The only thing I can say, is be cautious…. buy from someone you can trust. Ideally, someone who has already tried a pill from the batch you are buying from. Avoid buying in situ… you really don’t know what the fuck you’re getting… good, bad or really ugly!

    Thanks for the info. Yeah I am definently getting them from someone I trust. Just trying to get an idea of what has what speed in it and shit.

    even if it is from the same batch the pill will be different depending on your mood & situation etc also its partly wot u belive or think it will be like as all the drugs doing neway is making your brain act differently

    try the vaults of erowid 😉 ->

    lotsa info about lotsa drugs there..






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Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA My Pills