Forums › The Vibe › Music, Movies & TV › Music vs Drugs
I’m new to the site and just thought I’d say hi by dropping a deep philosophical question! Right, now its one of those arguments that has been on for years but what is the rave scene really about, the drugs or the music? Is there really such a strong link between them? Just be interested to hear your views.
Keep living,
Well, I suppose it means something different to everyone. For me its the music.
Drugs where a bonus when I discovered them. They made me able to understand the music a bit better and they showed me areas of my mind I hadn’t used before and have accessed ever since.
Haven’t done drugs for 2 years now, cept for the herb. And its still the music all the way!
I’m sure for some other people its the opposite and the music accentuates the high of the drugs. Fair play to them as long as they don’t abuse themselves completely and fuck their life up, which can happen too often unfortunatly.
As long as everyone at a party is on that same vibe then hey presto… the free party spirit is there and everyone on that night is part of a special family regardless of whether its the drugs or the music thats getting them there.
How is it for everyone else??
I have to agree Bio Tech…drugs highlight the music,although nothing is better than that sense of community though, when youve partied all night and everyones on the same level,the same vibe.:D
Couldn’t agree more with Nomad and Biotech. When one has the choice between going to auntie’s for a cuppa coffee and boring conversation, I would much prefer hanging out with the family I’ve chosen myself – and the music tends to be better too :D. Should something recreational be available, that’s just that… it’s available, but it’s not always going to be consumed.
Originally posted by BioTech
Well, I suppose it means something different to everyone. For me its the music.Drugs where a bonus when I discovered them. They made me able to understand the music a bit better and they showed me areas of my mind I hadn’t used before and have accessed ever since.
pretty much sums it up. Sometimes substances can be used to extend the physical endurance of the human body and mind to prolong the time which can be spent at a pleasurable activity; but IMO you would have to find that activity enjoyable to start with.
There are also plenty of people who cane all sorts of drugs but never set foot in a rave or party (or those who unfortunately have started out in the party scene but found drugs per se to be more enjoyable than parties; but this descent is far rarer than authorities and media claim).
most people on this scene have always had an interest in music and arts and alternative communities/lifestyles from childhood; long before (I hope!) most started taking chemicals of any kind!
About 10 years ago, our local cops made a number of big busts which stopped the “party drugs” traffic for a few months. This did curtail the number of parties being held and their durations; but it certainly did not stop people listening to and enjoying music!
Maybe it’s neither the music or the drugs. I guess I’d say that the music has really helped me to get on the same vibe as the people I’m with, and the drugs can help people to be more open than they might otherwise be…but what makes a party isn’t the drugs, or the music. It’s the people 🙂 I’m also thinking that if you convince yourself that it’s the drugs that make a party, you might be headed for trouble. Like, I can’t have this kind of experience without them…that way lies danger. That’s not true. And music, well…there’s a long history in human culture of people using music to alter their conscious state. And for me, the scenes that involve music I’ve enjoyed have always been full of people who enjoy the same music…and I guess that if you enjoyed pop, and went to see Justin Timberlake (or whoever…) then you’d be getting off on the same vibe enjoyed by all the other people enjoying that music. Not for me, mind…I’d be off doing something else. People are the common denominator. plur
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Forums › The Vibe › Music, Movies & TV › Music vs Drugs