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Cat on acid video…

Forums Drugs LSD & Other Psychedelic Drugs Cat on acid video…

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    Watch what happens when you give LSD to a cat. Probably not suitable for cat lovers.

    that video always makes me laugh, altho its really tight to do it to a cat!

    the music is proper weird tho

    i hate that video its horiririririribleeeeee poor cat

    Not nice :yakk:

    Haha thats brilliant!!! although on a more serious note i feel that that is one lucky cat getting mashed for free! I doubt the cat would of had any lasting side effects tho
    Where do i sign up?!:bounce_fl

    Drugs and animals is a bad idea IMO.

    I know of a friend who left magic mushrooms out which were consumed by their mum’s bosses dog (they were looking after it while he was on holiday) and the dog never recovered and had to be put down. Its as bad as giving drugs to children tbh, they have no idea whats happened to them and are unlikely to respond well.

    I don’t like it.

    But I have seen pictures of spider’s webs on various drugs and quite predictably the one on THC didn’t get round to finishing his one off, the one on speed made a really disjointed and broken web, while the one on LSD made a PERFECT spiral.

    BTW Elretardo a friend of mine had a rescued alsation that was really aggressive until it ate some mushrooms that were left lying around and was the soppiest, friendliest dog you ever met after his experience.

    I guess the animal world is much like the human world – drugs work for some, but not for others.

    All things considered I prefer this LSD vid…


    I don’t really know what to make of that.
    Amusing but very twisted and not entirely pleasant.
    I won’t be watching it a 2nd time but I will recommend it to anyone else who hasn’t seen it.

    TEK Tonic wrote:
    All things considered I prefer this LSD vid…

    Yeah that Butt Baby skit is funny, as well as all the other short movies on thier DVD.

    i wanna buy some catnip to give to freindly cats on the street, apparently they love it and roll about for ages.

    Tek Offensive wrote:
    i wanna buy some catnip to give to freindly cats on the street, apparently they love it and roll about for ages.

    Just like hoomans, different cats react differently to it. Some just eat it all up and go really placid. Most go skitz, roll around, rub themselves in it and attack things though.

    Tek Offensive wrote:
    i wanna buy some catnip to give to freindly cats on the street, apparently they love it and roll about for ages.

    You have a garden TO? do you mind havin cats rolling round in it? Buy some catnip plants, just stick em in the garden an watch the fun! 😉

    Fresh is better than dried, tho as Bio said all cats are different.

    tarifa wrote:
    do you mind havin cats rolling round in it? quote]

    I’d love it!!!!!

    I have a catnip plant and it spends its life being partied in by any cat that can get to it :weee:






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Forums Drugs LSD & Other Psychedelic Drugs Cat on acid video…