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A Most Splendid Night Of Trytamine

Forums Drugs DMT A Most Splendid Night Of Trytamine

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  • tonight has been a good night.

    i have sampled some rather interesting substances, namely DMT. In my opinion this has been most beneficial to me as i have had a few issues that have been bugging me.

    21:00– 5-methoxy-N,N-diisopropyltryptamine

    In my opinion, a good substance, although not a substance that is suited to my body/mind. On set was nice, mellow and calm. But the stomach didn’t feel to impressed by what I’d done to it…

    While feeling ‘delicate’ i experienced coloured splodges in my vision, just pretty little blobs of blues, greens, purples and yellows; this happened for about 1 hour, the second hour was none visual and just, well, what describe as ‘come down euphoria’ as it were, verrry nice but not, because in total my ‘foxy’ dose lasted 2hours. Thats it. Like i said, not a chemical suited to my body….

    03:00– N,N-Dimethyltryptamine…

    Oh my…..what a blissful shmoke…..weighed up about 30mg in the milli’s, got 3 peng smokes out of it.

    trip 1…..No throat rape….niiice. and then it was off to Mario land, literally, i just ended up like in super Mario bros. on the Super Nintendo….was heavenly, and as blissfully as it started it calmly and gently sent me home…

    trip 2…..oh dear…oh dear oh dear oh dear. i changed my laptops background to some manic 3D acid mess thing. and it did not make my trip very pleasant. It honestly felt like my body was no longer mine, as in, my soul had been ripped out and forced to watch my body burned. horrid. but thankfully, i soon came out of it. don’t think i’ll ever be using that background again…

    trip 3….was only the left overs but it was most pleasant, didn’t go anywhere but it was just the most beautiful tech/fractual/mechanical visuals i have ever had. lasted like 1:30 mins but i dont care, i fuckin looved it.

    So tonight has been an interesting night for me. Tried ‘foxy’, did a nice plap of DMT and now i feel at peace with myself.
    now time will tell if i still feel the same way in a week or so…..


    Glad you had a good nite! We feel a bit edgy still NRG-1 , not a mellow high ;o/ What is the DMT like, Have some MDAI on route is it similar?

    @Flavour 384274 wrote:

    What is the DMT like, Have some MDAI on route is it similar?

    very very different!

    @Flavour 384274 wrote:

    Glad you had a good nite! We feel a bit edgy still NRG-1 , not a mellow high ;o/ What is the DMT like, Have some MDAI on route is it similar?

    have a look on erowid. dmt is the strongest psycadelic known to man. mdai is a pretty weak stimulant afaik.

    id take dmt over mdai anyday personally. beautiful stuff. :love:

    @ gaza try smoking dmt then closing your eyes, total different trip and much more what dmt is all about imo. 😉

    @Flavour 384274 wrote:

    Glad you had a good nite! We feel a bit edgy still NRG-1 , not a mellow high ;o/ What is the DMT like, Have some MDAI on route is it similar?

    nothing thing alike, DMT is Tryptamine, and a very powerful one at that. MDAI i have tried and it did one thing to me….made me feel like a had poo up my nose!
    process is right to say its a ickle bit strong is and understatement.

    Yeah, close my eye normally, depending on the potency of the pipe iv’e done really. i like to goes eyes open on small hits, i like thats quite nice, but as i said, trip 2…….not nice, i should have closed my eyes.


    @DaftFader 384319 wrote:


    mate.plap ain’t the word Ive been feeling proper down and depressed as of late, last night was a fuckin jah send! i feel like my brain has had a 21 point service & a full valet, bth….haven’t had a clear head like this for a verry long time

    glad you enjoyed the experience i only just broke throught last week tried smoking it many times but was doing it wrong took me a day after to fix myself up but it is a nice trip just way way out there 😉

    @barnzy001 384348 wrote:

    glad you enjoyed the experience i only just broke throught last week tried smoking it many times but was doing it wrong took me a day after to fix myself up but it is a nice trip just way way out there 😉

    fix yourself? not a nice experience then?

    @Gazatronium-Ethane 384326 wrote:

    mate.plap ain’t the word Ive been feeling proper down and depressed as of late, last night was a fuckin jah send! i feel like my brain has had a 21 point service & a full valet, bth….haven’t had a clear head like this for a verry long time

    i had something like this after doing loads of really clean cid once, next day felt like a massive wieght had been lifted from my shoulders and brain. felt like new the next day. :love:

    @Gazatronium-Ethane 384326 wrote:

    mate.plap ain’t the word Ive been feeling proper down and depressed as of late, last night was a fuckin jah send! i feel like my brain has had a 21 point service & a full valet, bth….haven’t had a clear head like this for a verry long time

    yeah it’s can work wonders for depression

    @process 384380 wrote:

    i had something like this after doing loads of really clean cid once, next day felt like a massive wieght had been lifted from my shoulders and brain. felt like new the next day. :love:

    I’ve had that from a mix of k, meditating and past life regression hypnotharapy … was the most relaxing night i have ever had in my life and i felt amazing for weeks after! :love:

    @DaftFader 384428 wrote:

    meditating and past life regression hypnotharapy …

    where did you do this dude? ive been interested in that past life stuff for quite a while tbh, what happened? what was it like?






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Forums Drugs DMT A Most Splendid Night Of Trytamine