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Ibogaine drug addiction ‘treatment’

Forums Drugs Drug Addiction & Recovery Ibogaine drug addiction ‘treatment’

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  • Has anyone every heard of or known anyone to be cured from drug addiction with ibogaine? Ive heard a couple of stories recently and have thought about giing it a whirl. But all the info i an find on is for opiate and alcohol addicition an im not sure if it would work with Ket. Or work at all for that matter…

    Know people who have done it – worked for a while and then the ‘reasons’ they use resurfaced and relapsed – Have read about it and others who have had permenant (til posting) success
    from one of your other posts I read you ‘just like rugs’ so you may not agree about the need to work on ‘why’ you use and it may work for you – but this was for opiates so dont know about Ket

    loads of info on the net and people who are experienced with it

    have heard about one complication being death… so again worth researching – however one complication of Ket is bladder complications – so guess its worth weighing up the risks!

    best wishes in your endeavor :group_hug

    Did you try this stuff Iaachus?

    Undergoing Ibogaine was a life changing event for me. It provided me with a way to turn everything off and to take control of myself again. It showed me a new self respect that I will never forget. I’m now anti-depressant drug free and very happy about my recovery.

    its a pretty intense trip where you examine all your failings, a single use has not got brilliant results, however a guided session followed by another a few months later has worked well for some people.

    interestingly in the tribes that use it more often there is evidence of alostasis in their brain function (they get stuck0 this makes them less able to adapt, and change, you could describe it as unsticking you from your current ‘addict’ mind set and sticking you in a non-addict mindset.

    Toxic dose is not that much greater than psychoactive if taking prepared/refined drug, needs to be administered by body weight.

    Most people who talk about this seem to think its a short cut to fixing their addiction problems, its not, as stated above unless you make life changes (do the work) you are just going to have a shit trip and a bit of abstinence.

    I was late for an appointment and fucked off a script for 2 bloody weeks. A day came I couldn’t score from my friend 30 miles away, my car was fucked and stuck in 3rd gear but I still hit the road in my 106 at 50mph near red lining – with my mate. I shot just 1 bag to keep me sane for a drive back with the other 7 bags or whatever. I couldn’t wait till the next day to get told by the locals it’ll be noon then tonight.






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Forums Drugs Drug Addiction & Recovery Ibogaine drug addiction ‘treatment’