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Lest we forget alcohol is a drug too.

Forums Drugs Alcohol Lest we forget alcohol is a drug too.

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  • As alcohol still remains a drug I think we should have a thread on the subject. The only alcohol I have had a pleasent experiance with thus far is Vodka, so much so that I’ve been sneaking quite a portion from my mothers boyfreind, and mixing it with some coke (The fizzy drink, not the other kind)

    currently guzzling a bottle of chardonnay and a bottle of jaqcues


    in my experience alcohol isn’t a real drug
    but then I dont drink because it dulls the other drugs. Will occasionaly have a cuppa tea with some whiskey init with a nice fat spliff and afew valiums on a comedown but thats the extent of my drinking habits

    alcohol isn’t a real drug? what the fuck experiences have you been having or seen!!

    Alcohol is never normally labelled a drug, Alcohol and Tobacco and drugs they always say… i blame the government.

    It’s a mind altering substance, so it is a drug. it’s just not as fun as the illegal ones.

    It might not seem like a “real” drug because its cheap and easy to get and legal, but it has both positive and negative effects and I feel the right to drink should still be guarded.

    in my own lifetime I’ve seen more and more clampdowns, restriction zones, challenge 21, challenge 25 now (which is a real pain as I look around 23 despite my age so get carded all the time) – worse, I have lost my approved DOB card and my passport is expired (I’d rather not carry it about anyway on a drinking session).

    I enjoy drinking reasonable amounts of decent alcohol – usually Scotch or English beer, normally bitter or golden ale (I would suggest the pale lager drinkers try this if you find it).

    I am really lucky I do not get angry or violent when drinking, it makes me happier (of course too much and I fall over and pass out, but I don’t drink to that extent unless it is for the “comedown” time).

    Whilst moderate amounts of alcohol aren’t psychedelic or stimulant, they remove inhibitions and can increase creativity to some extent, particularly when it involves the exchange of ideas within a group. I was reading the Nikon camera website and the history of how a lot of excellent camera lenses were designed, and the Japanese dude writing this explained how drinking a lot of sake after work was as important as working hard in the daytime and doing all the extremely brainy stuff the Japanese do to make all our gadgets.

    The Chinese do this as well. As East Asians are often quite shy in large groups, alcohol is a good way to encourage social behaviour.

    @p0ly 401976 wrote:

    alcohol isn’t a real drug? what the fuck experiences have you been having or seen!!

    Alcohol is never normally labelled a drug, Alcohol and Tobacco and drugs they always say… i blame the government.

    well, to start off with somehow i seem to have a naturally high tolerance and by the time i get a lil bit tipsy im pissing 5 times a minute and feel bloated to fuck. the one time i actually got an intense experience i passed out pretty soon after and woke up in a rather unattractive woman’s bed. I know it is classed as a drug but whenever ive drunk at a pace to be enjoyable i haven’t felt anything from it and ive woken up with a massive headache and aching kidneys. especially when taken with ketamine it hurts my kidneys.

    I guess its just not for me

    @partymonkey 401981 wrote:

    well, to start off with somehow i seem to have a naturally high tolerance and by the time i get a lil bit tipsy im pissing 5 times a minute and feel bloated to fuck. the one time i actually got an intense experience i passed out pretty soon after and woke up in a rather unattractive woman’s bed. I know it is classed as a drug but whenever ive drunk at a pace to be enjoyable i haven’t felt anything from it and ive woken up with a massive headache and aching kidneys. especially when taken with ketamine it hurts my kidneys.

    I guess its just not for me

    i’ve never had this problem. don’t see why it’s not a drug, does this make paracetamol not a drug, Alcohol is a better pain killer just you have to keep re-dosing every hour.

    okay it is a drug, I just dont see it as one

    i guess i just replaced drinking with k, a much more effective painkiller and i can still re dose evry hour

    I hate the culture around alcohol, and general think its nasty stuff. I drink about once every 4-5 months now.

    it’s good at first, did 2g on tuesday night. after binging on litres of the stuff the drug is completely ruined and does fuck all but make me feel ill afterwards. no more k tripping, my NMDA receptors are fucked, i need at least 4 Nitrous chargers to feel a damn thing. the medical stuff still does the job though.

    @p0ly 401990 wrote:

    it’s good at first, did 2g on tuesday night. after binging on litres of the stuff the drug is completely ruined and does fuck all but make me feel ill afterwards. no more k tripping, my NMDA receptors are fucked, i need at least 4 Nitrous chargers to feel a damn thing. the medical stuff still does the job though.

    I agree, k tolerances suck. i find a 3 week brake normally bring my tolerance down. sounds stupid put putin mushed up banana up my nose also helps, sumet to do with all the potasium?

    2 month breaks don’t seem to make much difference at all for me sadly.

    can get nasal inhalers that seem to help repair your receptors seems to be what banana up the nose dose as well. i always wash my nose out with warm walter in between lines so my receptors arnt blocked up

    how would a nasal inhaler repair an NMDA receptor?






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Forums Drugs Alcohol Lest we forget alcohol is a drug too.