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going mushroom picking, any advice?

Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti going mushroom picking, any advice?

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  • Hi all, im going mushroom picking for the first time on the moors tommorrow morning and was wandering if anyone has any advice. Times, places etc would be appreciated and anyones experiences.

    Near animals eg. deer, cows, sheep

    ok cool. Does it make any difference what time of day i go, i hear mornings are best. Im in the south west of england, will they be around at the mo?

    @frandjtic 454185 wrote:

    ok cool. Does it make any difference what time of day i go, i hear mornings are best. Im in the south west of england, will they be around at the mo?

    Yep, I’m going picking near Bristol tomorrow (but mainly for edible mushrooms to cook with, tho if I come across any libs they’ll get picked as well). I’ve only picked magic mushrooms in the Pennines before, but the best places were always high up near the top of the valleys in the sheep fields.

    do you think that the weather is rite for it now? Should i look near trees etc to? Oh, and roughly how many would i need for a decent trip.

    still seems pretty warm in SE, dunno what the rest of the UK though.

    go early and make sure its wet and yes animals as said is good for preping the land at first light if its wet they will be brown and sticky as the sun comes up they change to white so dont spend all day wondering where thye brown ones went and good luck

    ive found shitloads in my local spot, (well maintained cricket pitch, not too high above sea level) tripped out twice this week, had a real mad one this morning on about 200 was very mentally orientated and made me think about life alot, was far better than my 4-aco experience last weekend which i didn’t really enjoy that much, it seems to be all hit and miss between the two,

    tips for shroom picking are dont give up because you think youve found them all, we walked round and round the same cricket pitch for about 2 hous and kept finding more and more, they also grow in patches so if you see one get down low and look around closely for more as they are very easy to miss, i,ll be heading down pretty much every day as i think shrooms teach you the most about yourself more than any other psychedelic apart from maybe DMT

    Also dont keep them for too long as they go all manky and start to rot if theyre not properly washed, best to use a civ and then a hairdryer or something imo then in an airtight container with some silica gel packs to keep the air out of them

    went picking this morning and bagged about 130 between me and my mate. Most were about 6-8cm tall with the purple bit underneath. Liberty caps i think they are, how many would we need to have a good trip? What kind of weight in grammes would i need?

    @frandjtic 454259 wrote:

    went picking this morning and bagged about 130 between me and my mate. Most were about 6-8cm tall with the purple bit underneath. Liberty caps i think they are, how many would we need to have a good trip? What kind of weight in grammes would i need?

    If you’re not sure if they are libbies then I wouldn’t eat them! At least post a pic of them to make sure you havn’t just picked a random lookalike.

    nah they all deffo are. Ive just checkd them and compared them to photos and descriptions on the net. How many would you normally need to consume thou? Ill be off picking next week to if the weather doesnt turn to cold and kill the little fellers.

    not sure as i last had libs a couple of years ago but i think we ate like 30-40 each and they made a tea with about the same to wash them down to start with but if you have not had a similar trip before start light and add a little maybe each hour after they have kicked so you realise how far you want to go

    if my shrooms wasnt to strong, would amt or mxe mix well to maybe enhance them??

    dark cold damp

    Picked one of these today, going to go and look for more. – Is this a Blue-Foot Psilocybe?
    It doesn’t actually appear to be blue after handling, but…
    i’ve took some pics for you guys, see if you can identify it!







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Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti going mushroom picking, any advice?