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Can dogs detect mdma ?

Forums Drugs Sniffer Dogs Can dogs detect mdma ?

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  • greetings mah friends how are things I was wondering if you’ve heard of any stories
    of a sniffer dog catching mdma ? or have you heard if they train dogs to sniff such a thing


    If they’re trained for it

    I think its not uncommon

    Of course

    i know a friend of a friend that who got caught by sniffer dogs while en route to a club, and they (police not dogs, it would be too much to bear if dogs made the decisions also) decided he had a bit too much (wasn’t very much) and went and raided his house in the middle of the night, and he lived with his mum, lol!

    years ago i went up for my first night clubbing at gatecrasher in birmingham, we travelled up in the day, got in the queue outside and a sniffer dog came and sat down next to my friend and he spent the night in a cell!

    also funny at festivals, unsuspecting wreckheads get picked off by the bucketload… thats why i dont like the big dance festivals now… too much nonesense

    also if police suggest you use the amnesty bin, they will still nick you if you use it 😉

    @know_hope 478037also funny at festivals, unsuspecting wreckheads get picked off by the bucketload… thats why i dont like the big dance festivals now… too much nonesense[/QUOTE wrote:

    In England the dance music scene is being balkanised into big cities with high crime levels, festivals out in the middle of fucking nowhere in poor inland areas (as in coastal areas daytime seaside activities are less problematic) and/or with high ticket prices where you basically pay for cops to nanny and control you (also a certain amount now goes to the NHS and Ambulance service as large festivals tend to result in a number of hospital admissions for various reasons).

    I already pay Council Tax for cops (to be fair they otherwise do a good job here and I accept drugs prohibition is because of politicians/laws, not police) but am not going to pay a premium for extra ones when my own personal use does not cause any problems, nor essentially subsidise other peoples stupidity. its also why I don’t go to big trance events in spite of liking the music.

    I’m not sure if they have sniffer dogs in the Netherlands at their events. there is sometimes a uniformed Police presence but thats more for those who have had a few too many Heinekens and fight each other than stopping drugs.

    It appears that they use a special “hit squad” of detectives against middle level dealers at events, but unless the pills are nasty shit like PMMA the penalties are low (a financial penalty per pill and a caution)

    incidentally now the dogs, ion tracks etc and targeted enforcement against UK dance events have diminished their number the authorities are now going for the townie places and shutting them down too if the amount they bring in in taxes is less than the cost of dealing with the booze culture they produce.

    @know_hope 478037 wrote:

    a friend who got caught by sniffer dogs while en route to a club, and they (police not dogs, it would be too much to bear if dogs made the decisions also) decided he had a bit too much (wasn’t very much) and went and raided his house in the middle of the night, and he lived with his mum, lol!

    how do they manage to get a warrant to raid his house the same night in wich they stopped him ?
    cause raids occur from 6 am to 6 pm and since a judge needs to signs the warrant and all
    according to a constitutional article that recalls the Inviolability of the home, no one may enter
    the home of another without permission of the occupant, except by written order of a competent
    judge in specifying the reason for the diligence, so even if the police don’t stop you if the dog starts
    sniffing you, you are proper fucked ?

    in the UK the drugs laws overrule all EU human rights laws (not sure about other countries). There is a get out clause in the Human Rights act to that extent..

    Also they probably didn’t have, nor need a warrant. nor did they need to do any “heavy stuff” what happens is that mums, when children are away from home out partying and they get a uniformed policeman at the door tend to let them in because they fear something bad has happened. Once they are in there any cop worth their badge and shield can gently talk most normal middle class mums into letting them search their sons room due to the “danger of drugs”. often many parents already have concerns over their kids’ drug use (especially stuff like being sketchy and argumentative on a comedown or neglecting other responsibilities) and support the action of the Police as their authority has already been ignored, and since the 1990s actual penalties for small posession or even low level dealing in the UK are lenient.

    in the case of one of those “stubborn hippy mums” what “knows her and her familys rights” (and is probably herself known to the Police). the first bunch of cops might go away, but then lad is kept in the whole weekend until CID can get the warrant and the door is put off the hinges at 6am Monday by the territorial support squad. Cops know how to deal with stubborn people.

    Dogs can’t decide whether to arrest you or not, they only provide intelligence (similar to the town CCTV scheme operator) its up to the police officers whether or not to act on the dogs indications.

    @Nigboat 478033 wrote:

    Of course

    @DaftFader 478021 wrote:


    do you maybe have a story you could share with us

    @lamat-recs 478047 wrote:

    do you maybe have a story you could share with us

    I just know that some dogs are trained to sniff out MDMA. I’ve never really had any problems with sniffer dogs, so just wanted to at least give you an answer to your question.

    sniffer dogs are trained on all sorts of substances, MDMA, Methadone, Heroin, Coke – Crack, Methadrone, Ketamine etc etc
    Its their job and they are not only enthusiastic but good at it in most cases

    They are training sniffer bee’s/wasps (I forget which) now too (or at least talking about it)… much more reliable then dogs, much harder working/don’t get tired as easy, and allot easier to train.

    @DaftFader 478071 wrote:

    They are training sniffer bee’s/wasps (I forget which) now too (or at least talking about it)… much more reliable then dogs, much harder working/don’t get tired as easy, and allot easier to train.

    ??? What, so when you get to the festival they have like a single bee on a rope at the entrance or do you have to walk through a swarm of them?

    @cheeseweasel 478073 wrote:

    ??? What, so when you get to the festival they have like a single bee on a rope at the entrance or do you have to walk through a swarm of them?

    HAHA that’s exactly what I though at first …

    They basically give the bee/wasp a wiff of what ever drug … and at the same time put sugar on it’s antenna … after a few times (literally a handful of times is all it needs to illicit the response used to give a possessive every time after) it’s tongue will come out every time it smells that smell as it thinks it’s gonna get sugar. They then “strap” the bee/wasp inside some box and then pass it over luggage (it’s gonna be used at airports). If the electronic sensors inside the box sense the bee/wasps tongue come out then it shows up as a positive for that drug and luggage will get searched.

    EDIT … just found out it’s wasps .. “Wasp Hound’s” are what they are being called lmao.

    Fair play, thats bonkers. Though nothing a quick spray of raid won’t be able to deal with.






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Forums Drugs Sniffer Dogs Can dogs detect mdma ?