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Recreational Drugs Survey

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  • Hiya, im from a charity called Oxfordshire Recovery Network, we are recently doing alot of work on recreational drugs, and was wondering wether anyone wantid to fill out one of our serveys……..please do it would only take a couple of mins 🙂

    hi there – was gonna ask “where is the survey?”, but if you have posted it unfortunately what has happened is that because you posted a number of duplicates of this post as well, its hit security clearance.

    Could you please also post the full details of your charity (CC Reg number and address) which is a legal requirement for any publicity material accompanying your charity, plus any links to websites, press releases etc. this isn’t because we want to be overly harsh and for personal reasons I will explain below I would like to support you, but there are a number of charities which are in fact run by prohibitionists and those with somewhat old fashioned religious views and I do not like the idea of them using our site as a free platform for their ads.

    I don’t think your organisation is going to be one of them but would just like some reassurance.

    From 1991 until 2006 I lived on the border of Reading and South Oxfordshire and spent many fun years partying. but I also saw a lot of close friends succumb to addiction and drug-releated health problems, to the point I ended up leaving the area and finding work and a home elsewhere as I found it difficult to cope with all this. So if your organisation is willing to play fair, I will do everything I can to help you.

    hello here is our charity number Registered Charity Number: 1100354, and a brief summery of what our charity aims at, thank you for the reply.


    To support ‘visible recovery’ within Oxfordshire, promoting progression through treatment and promoting eventual exit from treatment, to service users

    To assist individuals to build their personal strengths and recovery capital, including social capital and networks, during the clinical phase of their treatment, to ensure they move from their current treatment state to their desired treatment state with all areas of their ‘Recovery Capital’ covered and catered for

    To make available support and social activates to the service user group to enhance their life chances and sustainable recovery chances

    To provide educational courses on re building health and wellbeing after addiction, courses will be classroom and sport based

    To provide a cheap healthy ‘smoothie’ shop for local residents of East Oxford, with profits going back into the Network to fund activities to promote health and wellbeing (this will also provide skills as well as voluntary and paid work

    To ensure service users are able to voice their opinion on topical issues that affect their treatment and their chances of gaining and sustaining recovery

    To challenge the stigma associated with substance misuse held within the local community

    The ORN will be based upon the following prinicples (aligned with those of the UK Recovery Federation);
    1. Recovery lies within individuals, families and communities and is self directed and empowering.
    2. Recovery lies within our ‘connectedness’ to others, is holistic and has many cultural dimensions.
    3. Recovery is supported by peers, families and allies within communities.
    4. Recovery involves the personal, cultural and structural recognition of the need for participative change, transformation and the building of recovery capital.
    5. Recovery involves a continual process of change and self-redefinition for individuals, families, organisations and communities.
    6. Recovery challenges all discrimination and transcends shame and stigma.
    7. Recovery emerges from hope, gratitude, love and service to others.
    8. There are many pathways to Recovery and no individual, community or organisation has the right to claim ownership of the ‘right pathway’, ORN covers those taking both the abstinent and the medically assisted treatment/therapy routes to recovery
    9. Recovery exists on a continuum of improved health and well-being.
    10. Recovery transcends, whilst embracing, harm reduction and abstinence based approaches and does not seek to be prescriptive.
    11. Honesty, self-awareness and openness lie at the heart of Recovery.
    12. Recovery is a reality and contagious.

    How will this be achieved?

    • By offering a service user, at the point of their first engagement, the option to draw up a recovery capital plan (RCP) to bring to life the reality of recovery and reintegration, for them as individuals (physically at ORN and/or within services that ORN promote)

    • To offer affordable and realistic access to local services/groups/activities that assist the individual to reach the goals identified in their RCP

    • To train and provide space to Recovery Champions, who can be called upon to mentor those wishing to make steps in their recovery and move onto to reintegration

    • To offer full information and assistance to access all of the areas of the community that service users need access to, to enable them to fully reintegrate back into society, becoming active citizens

    • Empowering service users to engage in ‘Recovery Actions’ that suit their needs, wants and aspirations

    • Provide a bank of ‘Recovery Champions’ that are on hand during admission and induction to treatment, detoxification and throughout the rehabilitation process , to ensure service users can build their Recovery Capital from the outset

    thanks – I was just about to ask about this and if you were that particular one (the rebrandings are a bit confusing, but completely understandable given your previous name could have been misinterpreted!), linked to the DAAT which is no bad thing (I now work in healthcare myself albeit as an IT techie and many of my colleagues have worked with the NHS). TBH If i still lived in the area I’d probably have even contacted you about volunteering.

    I’ll openly admit that I (and others associated with this site) probably spent almost 20 years encouraging young people in various ways the area to party and take drugs (TVP know damn well who I am and I’m sure they were wholly glad to see the back of me in 2006 :laugh_at: ) though at least through this site I’ve tried to encourage some harm reduction.

    One thing I would suggest (I know funding is tight!) to keep a close watch on issues associated with “party” drug use, and to maybe operate in such a way that these users feel comfortable in approaching your services. Party drugs are by no means always a gateway into problematic use but excessive use of ketamine in particular can be equally destructive to young people and a lot of newer drugs seem to invite compulsive/binge use.

    From my own experiences I’ve never met a heroin user who immediately started on heroin and young people starting on crack as a “first drug” is a very recent phenomenon and associated with certain music genres and street cultures – the kind of ravers who would visit here don’t think much of that scene!

    unfortunately a lot of the party drug users do get exposed to these “worse” substances at afterparties in smaller groups (or from landing up in prison!) Even then the bulk of them know the dangers and do not take them regularly but there are unfortunately a few casualties..

    Sure thing count me in. I will make a great statistic : )

    I like filling up surveys because I am myself a psychology student in which often I make people fill out my surveys. I am also going to sign in for it.

    I can’t find the survey on your page, any chance of a link?

    I’ll probably fill it in when we get a link, why not

    she has not used the site since July (not quite sure what happened there).

    Oops! I’d not checked the post date, doh!
    Cheers gl

    maybe they ran out of resources as everything else checked out 100% legit (I suspect I even know where one of their bases might be) but they were expecting volunteers to do the work and those volunteers got pulled off for other commitments

    in my town we lose loads of people from the radio station that way and its only going to get worse for as long as folk elect governments hostile to anything other than commercial business.

    @General Lighting 510818 wrote:

    its only going to get worse for as long as folk elect governments hostile to anything other than commercial business.

    Indeed, we only (!!) just been having this discussion about ‘payment by results’ and the ‘business model’ that is now the nhs, and as Marcus said ‘people arnt tins of beans’ as we been discussing this in relation to mental health commissioning with the ccg’s

    Ask Frank






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Forums Drugs Drugs Research, Drugs Studies & Media Requests Recreational Drugs Survey