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Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti philosophers stones (truffles)

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  • I understand most psilocybin mushrooms are illegal here in the UK but I have found a few sights selling truffles (philosophers stones)
    Are these ‘philosophers stones’ or -‘
    Psilocybe Tampanensis’ the exception to the law ? As I have found sites openly selling them but rather vague on the legality of it.

    Anyone have any information on the matter, would be very greatful 🙂

    i love truffles 🙂 anyhow, its all the same here. they’re all illegal. when i was in holland, they seem to have this weird;- truffles are slightly more legal than mushrooms but both are in this grey area where u can still get either easy, but they seem confident they’l be no trouble with truffles… or something like that, that was my tourist perspective from chatting with people there. mmm truffles :love: miss…:/

    its the same sort of reason/loophole a pet store cannot openly sell you a pet squirrel (unless you have a squirrel license) but you can get a rat or mouse even though they are all rodents, but at the same time if you were posting live rats through a enemy’s letter box so they would gnaw up stuff in their house and wreck the place you’d eventually get done for 2 or perhaps 3 offences (harrasment, criminal damage and animal welfare).

    @General Lighting 495419 wrote:

    its the same sort of reason/loophole a pet store cannot openly sell you a pet squirrel (unless you have a squirrel license) but you can get a rat or mouse even though they are all rodents, but at the same time if you were posting live rats through a enemy’s letter box so they would gnaw up stuff in their house and wreck the place you’d eventually get done for 2 or perhaps 3 offences (harrasment, criminal damage and animal welfare).

    Haha I like, of all things to use to get you point across agreed that squirrels were the obvious choice

    @General Lighting 495419 wrote:

    its the same sort of reason/loophole a pet store cannot openly sell you a pet squirrel (unless you have a squirrel license) but you can get a rat or mouse even though they are all rodents, but at the same time if you were posting live rats through a enemy’s letter box so they would gnaw up stuff in their house and wreck the place you’d eventually get done for 2 or perhaps 3 offences (harrasment, criminal damage and animal welfare).

    gonna note that rat technique down with pouring loads of maggots through peoples letterbox when they’re on holiday.

    You will get in trouble for the rats as they have protection under animal welfare act, (if there were a cat in the house you could be done for harrassing either species!) and as most tame species of R. Norvegicus are “pretty” colours its blatantly obvious they aren’t wild ones.

    This does not apply to filth flies, but unlike mammals with a known gestation period the development period of larvae varies with temperature (hence why you see more in high summer).

    I found this out as I had to deal with a infestation of filth flies in a wheeled bin last time we had a decent summer (years ago it seems) also there was a family of rats in my old office and I was going to live trap them (as they were smart enough to hide when I let in a random cat, but made a racket above my head when it was bad weather and the cat wasn’t around.

    There was all manner of rules about this (the traps weren’t cheap either) and we moved to a new rodent-free office anyway. I was going to take the rats to Stowmarket (where they would be let free by the river).

    I still have a public service issue clipboard I got from my old work (environment ministry), and was wholly tempted if I encountered any locals to say “I’m working as a contractor for Mid Suffolk District Council and Defra – under the EU Winter Mammals Directive 04/2879 these rats are being transported to your area to ensure there are enough to see you through the winter, as we are obliged by EU law to ensure you have sufficient in your neighbourhood. You may have already heard on the news people in London saying “you are never more than 3 metres from a rat” – and getting them to actually sign for the rats!

    Must admit, I did wonder what the Philosopher’s Stones actually were that I saw being sold and consumed in the Dutch Smart Shops.

    They seemed to work on the consumers, but I thought they were an artificial chemical product so I stuck to the Thai White mushrooms.

    the mushrooms are are not truffles as such but simply another form of normal magic mushrooms (paddo’s) which form sclerotia, forms of hardened mycelium what look like truffles.

    what happened is the Dutch legal bods made a mistake and made only the mushroom illegal but forgot the sclerotia. So it is still legal to sell this (the rest of the mushroom can of course be distributed or sold via the existing illegal methods). – Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology – Harm potential of magic mushroom use: A review

    @General Lighting 495502 wrote:

    the mushrooms are are not truffles as such but simply another form of normal magic mushrooms (paddo’s) which form sclerotia, forms of hardened mycelium what look like truffles.

    what happened is the Dutch legal bods made a mistake and made only the mushroom illegal but forgot the sclerotia. So it is still legal to sell this (the rest of the mushroom can of course be distributed or sold via the existing illegal methods). – Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology – Harm potential of magic mushroom use: A review

    So, would I be able to perchase these online (Im in UK) without breaching any law/ getting into trouble ?

    -thanks GL

    unfortunately not as this oversight only applies to NL. the moment you are importing them in the UK they are class A. it would be no more legal than getting Dutch pills sent through the post – you might get away with it once or twice but one day it will go tits up. Was reading a case about a lad round here what was sending loads of things through the post and the feds and Royal Mail worked to track it…

    Do shrooms not grow in this country any more?

    You can buy kits for growing legal mushrooms (non magic, edible varieties) and you can also buy spore syringes with cubensis spores and phillosopher’s stones spores (for research purposes ie microsopy).

    @General Lighting 495508 wrote:

    unfortunately not as this oversight only applies to NL. the moment you are importing them in the UK they are class A. it would be no more legal than getting Dutch pills sent through the post – you might get away with it once or twice but one day it will go tits up. Was reading a case about a lad round here what was sending loads of things through the post and the feds and Royal Mail worked to track it…

    Do shrooms not grow in this country any more?

    Yeah they do…I was just trying to clarify things, as said sites were vague.
    Although I have never been picking before it seems shroom season is approaching.
    This is a good and bad thing; The good thing being you can go mushroom picking.
    The bad thing being it means summers soon behind us 🙁

    look up 4-aco-dmt. that stuff is better than shrooms. also if you bought a gram that would be A LOT OF DOSES!!! and MUCH safer to receive through the post.

    @p0ly 495582 wrote:

    look up 4-aco-dmt. that stuff is better than shrooms. also if you bought a gram that would be A LOT OF DOSES!!! and MUCH safer to receive through the post.

    Initial scan looks like it’s hard to obtain and very expensive.

    @Chrispydelic 495588 wrote:

    Initial scan looks like it’s hard to obtain and very expensive.

    not at all.






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Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti philosophers stones (truffles)