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2 redbulls, 5 cans diet coke, 6 cups of joe, 1 big cup of addiction

Forums Drugs Drug Addiction & Recovery 2 redbulls, 5 cans diet coke, 6 cups of joe, 1 big cup of addiction

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  • Ok so you don’t have to tell me…I know this is a stupid thread but I don’t know if I should be concerned…..My daily intake consists of on average 2 12 oz. red bulls, 6 cans of diet coke, and 6 cups of coffee, sometimes even 3 redbulls, my heart races alot and I feel jittery, that’s why I suffer from lack of sleep..but Im addicted and I can’t stop! Is this consumption normal? Can you OD on caffeine?

    No, that level of consumption isn’t normal. I don’t think you can OD as such but people have been known to have heart attacks.

    Luckily the solution is simple. Cut down gradually. Replace one of the coffees with (eeeeurgh) a decaf and tail it down from there. Try not to drink anything that’s caffeinated after 7:00pm also.

    What crispy says, and yes you can stop if you want to. Just think of all the sugar you are consuming too, not just the caffeine!!! That’s at least 60 spoons a day just in the coke.
    No wonder you feel gittery drinking all that shit

    If you are really bothered replace or stop .. I’m sure there will be advise of how to on the net

    @Tank Girl 498843 wrote:

    What crispy says, and yes you can stop if you want to. Just think of all the sugar you are consuming too, not just the caffeine!!! That’s at least 60 spoons a day just in the coke.
    No wonder you feel gittery drinking all that shit

    If you are really bothered replace or stop .. I’m sure there will be advise of how to on the net

    True although I tend to drink sugarfree redbull and diet coke doesn’t contain sugar just sodium but there are artificial sweetners in it

    Im just a coffee addict-___- but yes im guessing it is really bad for you, so I will cut down!

    All that caffeine ain’t gonna help much when u want to get to sleep, you must have the resting heartbeat of a serial killer who’s just seen that there’s a sale on at the local hardware store!

    a bodybuilder in our country managed to fatally overdose on caffeine after he got his supplements confused and added 95% caffeine to his milkshake.

    it also killed his pet bulldog who had been licking the jug in which it had been prepared. personally if I had just drunk from something and then seen my pet dog having seizures having consumed the same stuff I’d call both the Ambulance and the vet, and whichever one arrived first could treat both of us – but he already had such a tolerance that he just fell asleep and his mum found both him and the dog dead the next day :crazy: She was setting up a campaign to warn folk against buying these supplements online – as often people think they are “not bad drugs” so don’t have any risks which isn’t at all true.

    “diet” drinks also contain some nasty toxic chemicals in place of sugar..

    Yes, you can OD . The LD50 is about 150 to 200 milligrams per kilogram of body mass or roughly 80 to 100 cups of coffee for an average adult.

    Caffeine – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I went from using valium and heroin and alcohol everyday to an instant stop.

    really wasn’t that difficult whatsoever.. and this was chronic usage.

    if you want to stop you can. you can do anything you want 🙂

    Some peoples brains are wired so its easy for them to become addicted to drugs, whilst others can go hardcore and stop when ever they want. Genetic predispositions is definitely a factor.

    @CharlyD 498919 wrote:

    Some peoples brains are wired so its easy for them to become addicted to drugs, whilst others can go hardcore and stop when ever they want. Genetic predispositions is definitely a factor.

    And some people hide behind little facts/fictions as excuses for while they’re still using. I have chronically addictive personality. She can easily quit sugar and caffeine.

    I went from a completely chemical lifestyle of the highest order to not even eating anything unnatural or any drugs at all easily. It’s not hard if you WANT to do it.

    how long would a sugar and caffeine withdrawal last? … Well i felt shit for 4 days because i was on heroin chronically for 4 weeks before i stopped along with multiple other constant substances, alcohol, valium, ketamine, tobacco, etc etc.. it was minor, i just felt a bit crappy for 4 days.

    btw when i was 15 i popped like 7-9 caffeine pills in one go once.. didn’t feel much that i could notice but i couldn’t sleep all fucking night (a camping trip… great, good thing someone else took 9)… haaaa

    that’s like 400mg in one go i didn’t die and i was drinking too.

    LD50 of 200mg/kg, say an average person is 60kg that’s 12gms of caffeine

    @CharlyD 498927 wrote:

    Death by Caffeine Calculator

    Well. I’d be dead tomorrow lol

    Good morning MR207:wink:

    Its 4.50am where I am and despite 15mg of etizalam and a 20 of weed I cant sleep. Feel rather floaty tho






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Forums Drugs Drug Addiction & Recovery 2 redbulls, 5 cans diet coke, 6 cups of joe, 1 big cup of addiction