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Forums Drugs Research Chemicals 4-ho-dipt

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  • I tried this the other day with sycho and had an interesting experience. I was expecting a short and powerful trip and got one of those things. I had eaten a fairly big meal prior to taking the ho-dipt and dosed the material orally in a rizla (15mg). It may be down to these things that the experience lasted an intense 6 hours. It was very similar to a lemon tek (shrooms and lemon juice) but with a heavier body load and quite enjoyable tremors. On the visual side I had very intracate cevs and strong oevs. Tracers and patterning were very nice. Psylocin-like with a harsher “edge”. I will be experimenting further with this stuff.

    Shulgin said this was the fastest acting psy he ever took/experimented with orally.

    but i heard a load of people on Hip forums saying over and over it was fucking awful… who knows.

    Definatly has potential IMO and it did hit quite fast even with a stomach full of food and a rizla

    I came up like a bitch when we done this stuff, though thats what you get for just dumping powder on your tongue I guess xD. The tremors were to much for me and my mind wasn’t really in a good place when we took it tbh.


    Maybe try again at another times. Im planning on giving the psys a rest for a while and just smoking weed. Maybe some kratom 😉

    I kept on researching this chemical up to 35mg. Wasn’t wrong. It’s a seriously underrated tryptamine. Will update with significant info when I’m more able minded, as I’m in the 4th hour of a 25mg dose. I got a pretty graph and everything 😉

    I tried it twice as i was givin a gram sample an an i much prefer the mipt, of all 4-ho’s.i dont really enjoy the bodyload, of 4-ho-dipt,or the 5 methoxy (either) gi problems.i love dpt. But consider dipt a very UN tryptamine

    @stayawayfromafrica 512119 wrote:

    I tried it twice as i was givin a gram sample an an i much prefer the mipt, of all 4-ho’s.i dont really enjoy the bodyload, of 4-ho-dipt,or the 5 methoxy (either) gi problems.i love dpt. But consider dipt a very UN tryptamine

    Care to elaborate on what you mean by “UN tryptamine”?

    It’s very different to other 4-ho’s but recognisable as a “tryptamine” experience.

    It feels more like a toxic deleriant to me.hits very fast an hard.its so physically jarring. Alls i did real notice were weird audio some small visual distortions similar to foxy.yhe only time ive enjoyed any dipt analouge was 15 yrs ago when it was pressed pill of a spider.mixxed with mdma for sex.but as a psycedellic its subpar to me.and i had very annoying after effects.but its all subjective to what u like ur trip to b.very little extremelyunpleasent bodyload.

    you talking about the simple audio tryptamine DiPT? cos you were talking about 4-HO’s then went over to DPT and DiPT… Confusing to say the least.

    While I’d agree with how it hits fast and hard, it feels anything but toxic delirium. DPH is what toxic delirium feels like. It is quite physically stimulating but still mild (a line of shitty coke would stimulate me more) As a psychedelic I find it perfect, everyone of my senses has some kind of “trip” over the duration of this chemical. I even get some synesthesia 🙂

    During the peak when I shut my eyes it felt like I was slipping away to ++++. Also there were times when I wasn’t aware of anything in this world but the music I was listening to.

    @stayawayfromafrica 512139 wrote:

    It feels more like a toxic deleriant to me.hits very fast an hard.its so physically jarring. Alls i did real notice were weird audio some small visual distortions similar to foxy.yhe only time ive enjoyed any dipt analouge was 15 yrs ago when it was pressed pill of a spider.mixxed with mdma for sex.but as a psycedellic its subpar to me.and i had very annoying after effects.but its all subjective to what u like ur trip to b.very little extremelyunpleasent bodyload.


    5mg- This is the level at which effects begin to manifest. I am not able to define the true character of the substance, but stimulation is felt, and laughter is more common than normal. About 3 hours to baseline

    8-10mg- Now I am getting into the trip a bit. Mild visuals (mainly trails) are present
    and pupils are about 40% dilated. The same physical effects are present, but overshadowed by the mental effects. 3-4 hours of primary effects.

    15mg- At this level, the full character of the material is present. Trails, and patterning with eyes open are present. Cev’s are still minimal. Pupils about 75% dilated. 4-5 hours of effects

    20mg- The Oev’s are starting to really manifest. Objects twist and morph in peripheral vision, and Cev’s are mostly just dull pastel blue and green geometries. Nothing to detailed yet. Approx. 6 hour duration

    30mg- I am in for one hell of a ride at this point. The visual aspect becomes marked, and cev’s continue to become more detailed. Oev’s are similar to 500-650mcg of lsd.
    I will be able to actually have some control over the cev development by just thinking about something I want to see. The physical effects begin to become less pleasant at this dose. There is significant peripheral stimulation.

    40mg+ There is no real point in going any father than this with iprocin. It does not alter the trip, just lengthens the duration. The CNS stimulation begins to get very worrisome, and an ominous, dull headache centered near the sinus cavity and frontal lobe is present. If I dose higher than this, I am just asking for trouble.

    Erowid Experience Vaults: 4-HO-DiPT & Various – Trials with a Novel Psilocin Analog – 60407

    I agree with this guys opinion on dose. I had none of the trouble he talks about at 40mg+ when I took 35mg. Every other description is pretty much bang on. Maybe 5mg does make that much difference in that sense. I’m inclined to believe him, it’s strong enough at that level anyway.

    Oh and I should add that 3 of the 5 people that I have taken this with have felt little to no effects from 25mg.






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Forums Drugs Research Chemicals 4-ho-dipt