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My good news

Forums Drugs Drug Addiction & Recovery My good news

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  • Well yesterday I was in too much of a crappy mood to share my good news with the vibe so here goes,

    As I approach my 2 year aniversay of being trapped in the clutches of drug addiction (december 3rd be the actual date) My keyworker asked me if I wanted to become a “recovery champion” she said I have all the right people/communication skills to to come to the service user meet and try and be a liaison between the service and the user. They offer up free training, free travel and lunches etc. But the main thing is it is essentially helping other people. The possibilities of furthering my career in that direction are also very high which is something that I have thought about before.

    It’s not just the being a “liaison” thing it is to offer up my past and my road to recovery to give others inspiration.

    So from now on you can refer to me as “champion”

    Wait this one is going in the old skool thread

    Fucking A!!!

    I know a lot of ‘service reps’ and they do such a good job whether mental health or addiction

    Good for you, I’m so pleased for you 🙂

    Sorry I forgot

    Mr champion

    Gd onya Champ 😉

    Weeer are the champions my friend!!!

    That’s excellent news. There is probably nothing nobler than using your skills, experience, and position to lessen the suffering of others. Hopefully this opens up a lot of doors for you, both in a career and a spiritual sense. I’m sure it will all work out!

    Hurrah for the Champion!

    PARTA, B1



    Top news mate, great stuff. New gaff and new prospects on the horizon too eh? Superb pal, about time you had some good news, well pleased for ya man.

    Sounds less dangerous than the Foreign Legion. I’d give it a try.

    Doubtful you’ll help everyone you talk to, but you might just help 1 or 2 stay off the brown. Even if you don’t, at least you tried, Champ.


    It is really good news….it’s great stuff……

    I think it is really good for you that you were able to clean yourself…just stick to it….






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Forums Drugs Drug Addiction & Recovery My good news