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Mold Remediation

Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti Growing Mushrooms & Cacti Mold Remediation

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  • Hello all,

    Mold remediation is a multi-step process that involves both identifying the types of mold that buildings have been infected with and how they can best be removed, and finding the sources of moisture that have contributed to the buildup of mold. These sources are then carefully sealed or altered to remove any chance of mold returning. Serious remediation is done by professionals who are trained to find and remove mold or mildew, although homeowners can attempt a remediation process by themselves. Many molds can be dangerous to work around, causing damage or infection in the human body, so precautions must be taken when removing it. For light mold problems a mask, protective clothing and proper safety procedures are usually sufficient, but for severe problems, professionals wear full protective suits.

    Thanks a lot
    Alex Johns

    Er, thanks for the info. Really the main type of fungi that people are interested in around here are magic mushrooms but cheers anyway.






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Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti Growing Mushrooms & Cacti Mold Remediation