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Just a quick question about Meth ~~~

Forums Drugs Amphetamines Just a quick question about Meth ~~~

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  • ​I’m only curious about what Meth does to your brain. I mean, what does it make a person “feel” like while smoking this stuff? Is it like taking a bunch of those weight loss pills or something? I have terrible anxiety and this is why I’ve never tried Meth in my entire life, nor will I ever; even if it were given to me for free because the only thing I’ve ever been told about its “feel” is that you’re up all night and day and physically exerting yourself until you’re completely exhausted!

    ~ Curious, “Shoestring” ~~~~~~

    most of us are from the uk so all but 1 possibly haven’t tried it… it doesn’t sound like a good drug to me, so it’l probably remain on my avoid list and i probably won’t do too much research on it cos i know im not going to do it

    general upper man, you smoke it feel really good for a minute then have a strong amphet buzz. not really that great tbh it’s really moreish and it’s not even that nice.

    depends what u like, i love the stuff, great feeling and even better feeling when having sex (if u can get it up) very strong explosive orgasms, but thats just my experience, pity I can find any where im living right now

    @Shoestring 513950 wrote:

    ​I’m only curious about what Meth does to your brain. I mean, what does it make a person “feel” like while smoking this stuff? Is it like taking a bunch of those weight loss pills or something? I have terrible anxiety and this is why I’ve never tried Meth in my entire life, nor will I ever; even if it were given to me for free because the only thing I’ve ever been told about its “feel” is that you’re up all night and day and physically exerting yourself until you’re completely exhausted!

    ~ Curious, “Shoestring” ~~~~~~

    je crois pas qu’il existe un autre produit qu’on peut comparer au chrystal meth: : : Wink:

    c’est vrai sauf que l’orgasme est tres puissant peut dure 14h ou 48h

    @samwev 518087 wrote:

    c’est vrai sauf que l’orgasme est tres puissant peut dure 14h ou 48h

    The only parts of this post i can understand is orgasm and 14 hours / 48 hours.
    This sounds like a fucking SICK drug from what this post says..

    Like any drug its about the quality of the ‘G’ (i’ve shot meth in the northeast, mid west, and south west USA) G, gak, go fast, ice, glass, shard, blast, twak…….all describes one thing, psuedophedrine (99 times out of 100) cooked meth. Crank is different from all those others names. Crank is meth but its made differently, and is now extremely rare. Your average street ice is good stuff, way better high than most drugs you stick in your veins. I dont smoke it thats a waste. Cocaine is a dopamine re-uptake inhibiter. It very quickly and efficiently blocks dopamine from entering the re-uptake centers when it crosses back over the synapses. Meth is also a re-uptake inhibiter but it also releases dopamine. Cocaine doesn’t release dopamine it just inhibits, that is a key difference. To try and illustrate, an orgasm releases dopamine and effectively causes 250% more dopamine in the synapses than you normally have, Cocaine (depending on how its used) causes a build up of 400-800% dopamine in the synapses (its very quick across the blood-brain barrier) but meth causes a build up of (when injected) 1500% more dopamine in the synapses. The build up is not as rapid as cocaine in most cases but its long acting, staying in the re-uptake and receptor sites for dopamine. Now it also affects other neurotransmitters like serotonin, acetylcholine, and beta-endorphin’s but I will stop there.
    Its reward is massive. Without going to deep with the quality thing and different cooks effecting the product, lets say I try and describe some of the feeling. Sometimes I am so excited to get a shot in me that as I am dissolving the crystal my body reacts violently and I have to vomit. The shit has a major impact on the consciousness. After the plunger goes down a tingling runs down my spine. All the sudden a massive blast goes through my brain and my body hits an orgasmic feeling tune. The taste of the chemical is strong and a cloud develops in my lungs. Literally you cant breath, like you got the wind knocked out of you, and I cough gasping. The feeling that you are about to blast off like a rocket takes over and my hearing raises to a high pitched tone. The world has become technicolor and everything is perfect and amazing and interesting and you feel too damn on top of the world.
    Unfortunately, though, years go by and life is not what you wanted it it 2 cents


    basically it gets a whole lot of dopamine floating around and prevents it from going back into its hole. in the longterm this can cause alot of problems.

    It ruins your life. You think meth is fun? Oh yeah I’ll tell you what’s fun about it…how about starting out just “smoking” it and then you hear of this cool thing called a needle and you decide well I’ll just do it once and then you never get as high as you did when smoking it. Or how about when you “need” it sooo bad but you dont have the money so you steal it from the person who means the world to you… I dont know lets Say your….mom. yeah so now your addicted to not only meth itself but also the needle and you can’t seem to get off it no matter how bad you want to and not because its physically addictive but because it messes with you head so bad that you don’t even know-how to function sober. And you may have been doing it for awhile now so you’ve most likely burned every solid bridge you had because meth is the devils dandruff and you are the most ugly evil person andyou kknow this because you stopped looking in the mirror months ago. Yeah it’s such an awesome drug.

    Nice of you to share your experience mate, thanks for that.






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Forums Drugs Amphetamines Just a quick question about Meth ~~~