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Vyvanse(60mg) & Tyrosine

Forums Drugs Amphetamines Vyvanse(60mg) & Tyrosine

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  • I am prescribed Vyvanse for ADHD. Now I know that it’s a prodrug and is highly hard to abuse, but I’ve done some research that if you ingest Tyrosine [URL=”tel:700-1500″]700-1500[/URL] mg a couple of hours before taking the medication it can enhance the effects. So last night at around 4:45 AM I consumed 6 oz of egg whites(raw) and went to bed and woke up at 9:45. As I woke up I took my Vyvanse and its been quite sometime and never felt a damn thing.. Did I do something wrong? Or is it just a theory?

    It strikes me that 6 ounces of egg white does not contain 700-1500 microgrammes of Tyrosine.

    Tyrosine Content of Eggs | Whole Food Catalog

    36 grammes (1 ounce and a bit) contains 156 microgrammes. If you eat a whole raw egg (about 2 ounces) then you get close to 300mg.

    Personally I think you are taking a bit of a risk mixing things to weird shit recipes gleaned off the internet. Speed is speed.

    You might think there is a “safe” version of speed, well, sorry, there isn’t one.

    Oh, and good luck finding a doctor that actually knows this sort of shit is bad for you.

    I have found that I LOVE vyvanse.It lasts longer and isnt near as tweaky as adderall.Before I take vyvanse,and swallowing it is the only wat it works,I take baking soda and water.A few tums works as well as the sodium helps absorbtion.






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Forums Drugs Amphetamines Vyvanse(60mg) & Tyrosine