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Narcotics anonymous?

Forums Drugs Quitting, Rehab & Detox Narcotics anonymous?

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  • I’m still struggling with my problems and am thinking of signing up to Narcotics Anonymous.

    Any thoughts or experience with this anyone?

    I’ve found a meeting which is pretty close to where I live. Will it be helpful?

    Hi mate.

    Hope you’re (relatively) okay atm. I know you are going through a rough patch though. Never attended such thing myself so can’t give you any insight as to what to expect. But, I will say any step you take like this towards having your problems acknowledged by others has got to be a step forward right? You’ve tried putting on a brave face and working through it alone, that hasn’t worked. There’s no shame in admitting you need help. It’s not the same as giving up. Giving up would be continuing silently on your path to self destruction.

    Good luck, and hit me up with a PM on here or Facebook if you need to talk to someone who has experienced similar issues 😉

    Let us know how it goes too.

    I’m just a bit worried about the whole religion thing. It’s a 12 step program and a lot of these seem to involve letting God into your life. I’m totally not down with that but would like to offload to people who are in the same boat!

    @Chrispydelic 565664 wrote:

    I’m just a bit worried about the whole religion thing. It’s a 12 step program and a lot of these seem to involve letting God into your life. I’m totally not down with that but would like to offload to people who are in the same boat!

    to be fair the guy who started AA wanted step one to be taking LSD, thats how he got clean, but then LSD went schedule 1, so replace “LSD” with “GOD” and you’ve got the present form of AA or NA. I’ve been told to go but never went, the annonimity is a positive and i know a gal whose been and doesn’t have massive problems or anything, NA is probably a good support group if anything.

    One guy who has like 30 years sober told me a startling fact that something like 3 out of 100 people who join AA make it their whole life without a relapse.

    I may have to check it out then. I can always leave if I don’t like it I guess.

    So no-one else has tried any kind of programme?


      My big son goes to meetings every week. He have a sponsor He can call 24/7 If he need it. He just haven’t been going through the same shit for years like you have so you can’t really compare. But it is a good thing for him (he say) and they don’t sit and praise the lord or sing haleluja. But things might not be the same in UK.

      A lot of community groups in this region have some kind of religious background and they often use the religious buildings (aa they are convenient spaces and don’t also provide a potential supply to large amounta of drugs and alcohol) but they do not try and covert you or pray in a community group that is not explicitly religious. As you are the same age group as myself I can see why you would be concerned as it may remind you subconciously of a junior school environment when everything was Christian (even in supposedly secular schools) and those memories last long.

      I think its now illegal to covertly preach religion under the guise of an other group in the whole EU now in the same way its illegal to put 23% horse in the meatballs, unless it says on the label they contain 23% horse (and the ones in Groningen certainly do). If folk want to promote a faith group is is permitted provided they don’t breach other laws such as event licensing/building planning and aren’t in any way extremist.

      There are lots of similar groups round here which are run by Christians, Muslims, Buddhists but they don’t preach to the service users and the different religions all work together to a large extent.

      In any case I think Roman Catholicism just teaches you to manage any addictions/vices (so they don’t harm others and stop you functioning in life) rather than stop with them altogether 😉 (I would not be able to stand up if I had drunk the same amount of Guinness and gin each nun in my sisters school did; the years supply will fill up a whole isotainer)






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    Forums Drugs Quitting, Rehab & Detox Narcotics anonymous?