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Cyber Wear

Forums Rave Rave Clothing & Clubwear Cyber Wear

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  • Hello, I’ve only just registered and I’m on the hunt for cyberwear…

    Any recommendations?

    Welcome aboard Raver1! 😀

    I’m intrigued! What do you mean by cyberwear?

    well by cyber wear i mean n e thing bright fluffy pvc stuff like that but not the run of the mill stiff like

    Gotcha now…my other half recomends here .It’s a list and search site,so you should be able to hunt for what you want.

    Not exactly cyberwear but worth checking are LSD clothes. Expand your wardrobe and your mind will follow…

    NON-STOP STUFF were a good outfit but seem to have gone offline…

    Hi Macoinit 😀

    welcome aboard,cya on 30th maybe 😉

    Ill be upstairs to watch the Fountainbridge collective.Or at the lighting control downstairs.Ill be wearing a red flower in me dreads.Hehehe

    If you want something a bit out of the ordinary take a look at

    Cyber Spirit
    Alien Skin



    Dr Bunsen wrote:
    Friends rate Cyberdog. They’re worth looking at…

    yeah cyberdog are brilliant .. although i don’t wear any of there clothes i used to go to one of there shops in camden town and that doubles up as an internet cafe … some of there clothes are really cool ….

    cyberdog is fucking amazing

    although i never wear their clothes i can appreciate them so much

    if anyone has experience in fashion technology i’d be shocked if u didn’t love their clothes
    some of the patterns are so intricate




    Hi my names Agent 15 and i am a recovering cyber kid, i had a small relapse last weekend with glowy lime green trouses and a offensivley UV active white top 😥 , i have kicked the habit of spikey collars and have not placed a dummy in my mouth since 2002 , i take each day as it comes , one step at a time.






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Forums Rave Rave Clothing & Clubwear Cyber Wear