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  • I know I’m new an all, don’t wanna come over negative….but…..

    those festive snow flakes falling down the screen are really annoying, not least because it slows the page down to that of a 486 crawl…

    Dunno if it’s coz I use linux ( with the latest mozilla ), sometimes fancy java stuff will work, but badly, anyone else find the snow troublesome??

    ‘part from that – wickid ÷)

    I’m sorry that you have a problem it, I’ll remove it soon…

    Happy Holidays.

    it appears 2 be a Mozilla thing – the snow is fine on IE6 (and this on an ancient old P233MMX laptop with 64MB on Win2000!) but on Mozilla (win32 vwrsion) it also crawls.

    I’ve just helped my m8 set up a Linux box (hopefully the first of many) which is 4 our communal network 4 Reading party people – IME 2 get x-windows 2 run OK u need a fair bit of resources so its not the users PC being 2 slow

    could add something 2 the script I suppose the check browser and only show the snowflakes on Micro$oft platforms – but damned if I can remember what this code is off hand

    if thats 2 much I’d also suggest removing the snowflakes – they r pretty, but if they get in the way of ppl looking @ the info then best done away with……..

    No problem, I’ll do away with them now then… 🙂

    Having a good christmas day GenL?

    Originally posted by Site
    No problem, I’ll do away with them now then… 🙂

    Having a good christmas day GenL?

    well I had a quiet one over Xmas but looking 4ward 2 NYE 🙂






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Forums Life Weather Snow.