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English or British?

Forums Life English or British?

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  • Just filled out a form which asked for my nationality, for which I was going to put English as that is what I normally say, but ended up putting British (Have no idea why). Anyway, I was just wondering when you go on holiday or some where or if someone asks you your nationality what do you say? English or British?

    edit: if you’re English/British ofcourse.

    And we are a member of the EU…so do you consider yourself european?

    I’m Anglo Saxon.

    I’m a world citizen (and an awkward bastard..)

    Im English.

    Neither, most places secrectly despise us. Me n a mate went to ibiza last year n kept getting mistaken for other nationalities bescause we dont wear addidas 4 stripe trackies n football shirts. People treat you differently abraod if they think you’r from different places. As a spin off we ended up further north of the island at a spanish, semi-legal, free party, BONUS!

    ENGLISH fuck this british shite:rant:

    I’m part Swedish – I don’t look it though!

    well im actually irish but my passport says british cos when i got my first one my dad said id get less jip if i was a british national travelling round teh world. what a stupid arsehole he is, eh? i should really change my passport as i am not a big fan of england and its bloody history. ireland, now theres a country i can be proud of. saw those english bastards off, anyway!

    m45k1 wrote:
    Neither, most places secrectly despise us. Me n a mate went to ibiza last year n kept getting mistaken for other nationalities bescause we dont wear addidas 4 stripe trackies n football shirts. People treat you differently abraod if they think you’r from different places. As a spin off we ended up further north of the island at a spanish, semi-legal, free party, BONUS!

    This is soo true!!

    But then seeing some of the people you can understand why!! I was watching a thing called “indian finish school” or something, where four english people are taught manners etc etc. And it was an embaressement! Arongant, stupid, mannerless chavs! And this is what the new perception of England is!! We are no longer respected!:rant:

    FrankieButler wrote:
    I’m part Swedish – I don’t look it though!

    Before changing my hair colour from blonde, I always used to get mistaken for swedish/ other similar nationalites!!

    K_trina wrote:
    Before changing my hair colour from blonde, I always used to get mistaken for swedish/ other similar nationalites!!

    It’s true though – people always assume that blondes are Swedes

    K_trina wrote:
    Before changing my hair colour from blonde, I always used to get mistaken for swedish/ other similar nationalites!!

    Yeah I often hope that Essex is another country. 😛

    TBH if someone is already discriminating about where you could possibly be from its a bit pants innit? But lets face it, we could all be french.

    JE:5 wrote:
    I’m a world citizen (and an awkward bastard..)

    earth man but sometimes you cant avoid the answer, depends on whos asking.

    And we are a member of the EU…so do you consider yourself european?

    I was born in england which is part of the british isles, part of europe part of blah blah blah in a small bit of the universe but I am not proud of being english, but I dont know what country I would want to come from either. its shit here but it could be worse

    elraveon wrote:
    earth man but sometimes you cant avoid the answer, depends on whos asking.

    I was born in england which is part of the british isles, part of europe part of blah blah blah in a small bit of the universe but I am not proud of being english, but I dont know what country I would want to come from either. its shit here but it could be worse

    Im not overally proud, but I wouldn’t want to be from any where else, I mean aside from immense taxes etc etc our lives in comparision with some other countries are pretty good! And plus we don’t get all the freakish weather conditions here. So, I quite like being English.

    If I have to fill in these forms such as if its something like a job app/passport I usually put down “British Asian” on there – I was born in SE London but my extended family are from Malaysia.

    There are massive cultural differences between someone like me and my parents generation (who of course would have been brought up in an Asian country!) – but like most people in my situation I try to get the best of both cultures…

    yep, I know the “correct” term would be English Asian as I wasn’t born in Aberdeen or Swansea but (and I have no idea why) the term “British Asian” is more common at the moment…

    anyway it doesn’t matter as in the current climate chaps like me are viewed as potential terrorists, pimps and drug runners everywhere you go in Europe and Asia!






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Forums Life English or British?