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Laws on music at home

Forums Life Law Laws on music at home

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  • Bacically a mate has had a barn restored, got all the permission n all that bollox n its turned out quite nice.

    Couple of weeks later he happened to get a set of decks and a couple of 4 feet tall speakers. Nothin too over the top.

    Turns out space was a bit limited in his gaff n he put them inside the barn, with mates going for a little fuk about on them once a week n getting it all out in the garden for a BBQ once a month, (Keeping the volume to a minimum)!

    Now it turns out 1 of the pricks down the road as contacted someone (APPARENTLY) n my mate has recieved a letter saying the barn may not be used as a music studio……..

    WHAT THE FUKING FUCK??????????

    Who said anything about a studio???

    At the end of the day the barn has been converted into a bedroom and people left right n center have decks in their room, with no trouble at all!

    Any ideas what the score is with these laws???

    who is the letter from?

    there are ‘change of use’ regulations about buildings and land

    did he have planning permission to convert the barn into a living area?

    is the letter from SODC Environmental Health?

    They are the only people who can legally order someone to cease making noise…

    but noise laws have been beefed up recently along with all the other ASBO stuff.

    Just one complaint from a neighbour is enough to get the council on your case these days and it doesn’t matter whether its your bedroom, your barn or your outside loo.

    near where Biotech lives some chap was having a disco in his own garden with his friends and family.

    It went on later than expected; neigbours called council who tried to be a bit “gung-ho” in shutting down the party – this ended up with 15 cops storming his garden and seizing the sound equipment and he was brought up before Court and fined.

    If possible your mate should beef up the soundproofing in the barn. what can’t be heard by the neighbours cannot be deemed a nuisance.

    Think an extra door may have been added n plannin peeps ent happy but still, the sound system is just stored in there n isnt used inside that building that much!






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Forums Life Law Laws on music at home