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criminal records?

Forums Life Law criminal records?

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  • does anyone know if its possible for a person to get a copy of their criminal record(im sure you must be able to but i havn’t got a clue) and if they can how?cheers.

    chillidog wrote:
    does anyone know if its possible for a person to get a copy of their criminal record(im sure you must be able to but i havn’t got a clue) and if they can how?cheers.

    the only way you can get it at the moment is if you apply for a job working with kids/vulnerable adults etc (even a voluntary postion) or a very high flying finance or professional position where your employer gets a CRB check done on you (you are then entitled to see the results).

    cheers mate thought you may be able to help,well it definately rules me out on the high flying excecutive bit!it was just that me and my g/f are thinking of moving to australia and i know that before they get to the criminal record check you have to go through a lot of other stuff(all to do with my employment history and specific trade)not to mention £900 and i thought if i could get a copy of my criminal record it might save me a whole lot of stress showing it to them from the start to see if we had a chance(its not that bad).Oh well have to have a serious think cheers for that.

    theres a company called disclosure uk or something like that. costs about 40 quid for a basic disclosure.

    I thought you could request an ECRB (Enhanced Criminal Records Bureau) check from the local council. I know ours offer the service cheaper than any other organisation but I’m not sure whether it has to be requested via an employer or not.

    nice one i’ll have to look in to those cheers for the help :bounce_g:

    chillidog wrote:
    does anyone know if its possible for a person to get a copy of their criminal record(im sure you must be able to but i havn’t got a clue) and if they can how?cheers.

    Go to your nearest police station and ask for a A96 form. Explain what it’s for. Fill in the appropriate section and enclose relavent ID docs with a £10 payment. You should receive a print-out of your criminal record (if any:yakk: ) within 42 days. I’ve still got one of the application forms but I didn’t send it off because I refused to pay £10.:groucho: :groucho:

    i googled disclosure uk ended up at criminal records bureau from what i could gather it was for employers to use,the council were no help at all (shocked) so it looks like giving the police a bit more of my hard earned cash :rant: ah well hopefully its worth it cheers for all your help :bounce_ci






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Forums Life Law criminal records?