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Turning off the computer

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Turning off the computer

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      I have a bad habit of not turning my computer off when I leave home,

      and sometimes when I go to bed at night (like to fall asleep to music) :yawn:

      I don’t know if that’s good or bad for the computer..

      My computer is getting very old and I want to keep it for as long as possible

      can’t afford a new one at the moment and for a long time ahead..

      Any nerds ( specialists) who can tell me that? :weee:

      Much appreciated


      The theory is that if you leave your computer on it prolongs its life.The power surges when you turn it on are supposed to wear parts out quicker. In my office we leave about a dozen pcs on all the time and only power down when we close for christmas. This must use loads of electricity, but it’s more economical than replacing Pcs every few years.

      i turn mine off so it doesnt get up in the middle of the night and get into my bed …

      Digital-A wrote:
      i turn mine off so it doesnt get up in the middle of the night and get into my bed …


      Angel: You can set your power saving options so that your PC will automatically turn itself off after a specified time of non usage.

        Digital-A wrote:
        i turn mine off so it doesnt get up in the middle of the night and get into my bed …

        That’s the worse fear of mine too :weee:

        Thanks guys :group_hug

        I turn mine off when I am done 😉

        i never turn mine off, cos it takesf******* agggeeesss to wind up again round the back, piece of poo

        it’s such a waste of precious energy to leave it on 😥

        please turn all your appliances off when you aren’t using them, for the sake of the next generation

        I leave my big electric heater on all the time and when its too hot i open a window and point it outside:ar15:

        Southcaver wrote:
        I leave my big electric heater on all the time and when its too hot i open a window and point it outside:ar15:



        when i mean leave it on i dont mean leaving it working out mindless calculations, i mean leave it on as turning off screen and putting it into hibernate

        stand by uses plenty of electricity unnecessarily. many TVs use more power on standby than when they are on :crazy:

        Pc’s need to be completely powered down and rebooted pretty regularly, specially old ones, your RAM usage and Page File stuff will just end up clogged up. My one seems to appreciate it anyway

        i cant sleep with a computer on in the same room, it makes a really annoying noise 😐

        if it’s on say less than 50% of the time then it’s probably best to turn it off between times to reduce the total on-time.

        if it’s on almost all the time then it’s best to turn it off as little as possible as thermal changes could disturb a fragile contact. i hope to convert my always-on kit to low energy as soon as I can afford.

        of course it’s bets to be turned on as little as possible from an environmental point of view.

        everyone in serious computing knows a server which worked until it was rebooted 🙁

        one problem with a machine which isn’t booted very often, is that corruptions and misconfigurations (and viruses on certain ossses) won’t be found until a long time afterwards, making them hard to fix if an emergency arises.

        microsoft used to recommend that desktop series Windowses were rebooted at least every four days, because otherwise a counter overflowed and caused it to crash.






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      Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Turning off the computer