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Youtube goes international – but will censors win now?

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Youtube goes international – but will censors win now?

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    and its looks good for the users who may not use English as their main language..

    but as it stands its not difficult to use your own language on the current US-based YouTube, plus it has the “safeguard” of the current western consensus on “freedom of speech”

    If you are in a foreign country with a questionable record of freedom and youtube suddenly goes “404” (becomes inaccessible), then if your internet is still working at least you know something shady might be afoot..

    It all looks good now – the deals are being struck in countries with a reasonable standard of freedom – but what happens when other countries with differing views have local youtube sites, or when views and attitudes change?

    With a “local” version of youtube, I can easily see national Governments/communications ministries calling for the right to censor the content that goes into each nation, perhaps using content rights from their state broadcasters to gain leverage.

    This could easily be done without any wider debate or consulation as it could be argued that a deal between youtube and a national govt ministry is a “private business contract – “commercial in confidence”.

    Well GL its band in Thailand anyway after insulting the King. I guess pictures really do paint a thousand words






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Youtube goes international – but will censors win now?