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  • As some of you may have already seen my PC died the other day.. i kept getting the blue screen of death and through process of elimination its the PSU and the Chip.. its fried…

    This meant that i couldn’t do my show on friday or cover FA’s as planned my apologies for this..

    I have ordered new parts to build a shiney new pc and they should all arrive from e-buyer during the week.. but with work and everything i won’t have it built in time to do my show this coming friday…

    I’m only able to access the net now coz Satyr’s nice mum lent us her old laptop as she has a shiney pc that we built her a few months ago..

    So apologies for the lack of radio.. am gutted as me an satyr both have new records we are dying to play…

    But we will be back with a beast of a pc in a week or so..

    Sounds like a hastle. You could always buy a Mac 😉

    Not got the money to buy a mac of the specs i would be after….

    Plus all the software i have is PC software so i would have to replace all that as well…

    It’s only costing me £186 well £86 really as my nice mother is giving me £100 towards it as i’ve repaired and rebuilt her computers over the years and never charged her a thing..

    Getting an AMD 64 dual core 2.3ghz x2 processor, Foxconn Mobo, DDR2 ram, new geforce graphics card, and 500 watt PSU.

    So it’ll be shit loads better than the one i had… am looking forward to rebulding it actually.. just a pain in the ass not having a running pc just now but this wee lappy is doing me ok for now..

    sorry to hear this – always a hassle (you may have read on the main forum about how that PC blew up at my work during the storms, despite there being multiple surge protectors on every circuit)

    also with heavily loaded machines, if the voltage drops whilst a device is trying to draw the same amount of power, the current will increase until something blows :yakk: I think the problem is often PSUs in all sorts of equipment are designed to be “just good enough” rather than slightly overspecified – and unless you actually have a whole test lab its hard to tell whether the specifications on the box are even true!

    at work we can afford to double up certain items of equipment but at home its harder to afford that… (and you do pay a big price premium for macs, both in hardware and software, as pretty as they are – plus I managed to crash my mates one at least twice when using it just to edit photos…)






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology God Damn Pc’s