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web access via mobile?

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology web access via mobile?

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  • i’m gonna lose my internet access in a coupla months and can’t get it where i live but . .

    have heard a rumour that you can get it via a mobile phone regardless of anything else.

    anyone know bout this? anyone doing it?

    pros, cons, etc

    info gratefully received

    cheers T 😉

    you can. but its not good for partyvibe, it tries to load all that info onto one small page and makes it hard to navigate.

    i use a free browser called opera mini, which makes it better but not great.

    I hate to say it but this new i phone is great as far as surfing the net goes. I’m not a fan of apple but after selling some and having a good play they are really cool as far as web browsing goes.

    An expensive option but you get what you pay for.

    Tek Offensive wrote:
    you can. but its not good for partyvibe, it tries to load all that info onto one small page and makes it hard to navigate.

    i use a free browser called opera mini, which makes it better but not great.

    thanks hun not what i meant.

    not viewing it through your phone, but getting internet access thru your phone an viewing it on ur computer

    Most new phones have a USB connection, they are installed on the computer as a “modem” and then you connect to the internet through them via either GPRS or 3G connection.

    its more expensive though, on some tarrifs you get charged for the amount of data transmitted and it can be £2-3 per megabyte, too expensive for stuff like streaming media, and you would want to read a site like this in “PDA mode” or “work shy mode”.

    Also just like the old style modem, your mobile terminal either cannot be used for voice calls at the same time or will be in an inconvenient location (tied to the PC via a cable)

    Not all areas of the country have the faster connections, so you could end up with a circuit speed slower than ISDN (about 128Kbps/sec)

    You can get a device on a which just takes a SIM card and plugs in via USB
    as part of get a “data only” contract with cheaper rates but its still more expensive than wired broadband.

    ah see what you mean, yeah you can with most, but as gl says its slow and can be expensive, if you ring your service provider they can do you deals, like i pay 3.50 a month and get 120 meg bandwidth.

    bugger bugger bugger bugger

    need access but cannot get it where i live

    10 years ago it wouldn’t have been a problem but if i lose my internet access now i’m gonna go batshit

    is there a way of logging onto PV via a backdoor or anything?

    can you not even get dial up access? A friend of mine has run into a problem where the telephone exchange has run out of broadband capacity, but he can access via dial up..

    I wouldn’t suggest bypassing an employers’ security system if you wanted to keep your job – if there is a block on internet use its been put there for a reason, probably because others have previously taken the piss before and brought the employer into disrepute. Blocking software costs money and is extra work for IT staff to maintain, companies don’t spend cash like that unless there is a need for it…

    pmd ya 😉






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology web access via mobile?