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Stealing wireless

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  • can some one pm me how to do this .. i kinda know how .. but it’s not working for a m8 of mine who lives on a shit hole estate …. mby ppl dont have wireless here .. but conformation would settle both me and my friends minds … unfortunaly not the nabours .. allltho the need not have there minds settled as they are none the wiser:laugh_at:

    in the list of available wireless networks click on one which says “unsecured wireless network”.

    If you don’t see any there are none in range!

    NB: even if you find this, not all of these may be a gateway to the internet, some might be a point to point link of some sort.

    For instance some chap who lives down the way from me has one of these links for his office/shed where he keeps random cats he picks up off the street (he works for the animal charity and they get sorted out by the vet and rehomed).

    I’m not sure if its actually an internet gateway or some device like a camera which is put there to keep an eye on the cats.

    I would only suggest this as a temporary measure until the people involved can legitimately obtain an internet connection.

    Just because it might seem like a clueless chav’s family connection, you don’t know if one day one of their kids comes back from Uni and is a computer genius, and they catch the data thieves at it and grass them up..

    Check your PMs

    Its very naughty and you shouldn’t do it :biggreen:

    A friend of ma dads who knows everythin when it comes to computers made this antenna thing and it was like a signal amplifier so he could steal wireless from almost a mile and a half away. Summat daft like that anyway.

    @sheffield-junglist 226888 wrote:

    A friend of ma dads who knows everythin when it comes to computers made this antenna thing and it was like a signal amplifier so he could steal wireless from almost a mile and a half away. Summat daft like that anyway.

    Hah madness. Always wondered If you could get something like that.

    you can do this with a beer can made into a “flower”, or a wok used like a satellite dish.

    This is no joke, people in some developing countries do this (with agreement of the owners of each bit of the network) so traditional villages in remote parts of Asia and Africa can get telephones and even the internet!

    General Lighting;226937 wrote:
    you can do this with a beer can made into a “flower”, or a wok used like a satellite dish.

    This is no joke, people in some developing countries do this (with agreement of the owners of each bit of the network) so traditional villages in remote parts of Asia and Africa can get telephones and even the internet!

    pm? 😉






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Stealing wireless