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  • i’m not quite sure what’s wrong with it, but lately (within the last week) my p.c has been running extra slow and now i keep on getting blue screens pop up with ”you’re computer has finished dumping memory, encountered an error, if this continues go to bios and run windows through safe mode, blah blah”

    i’ve scanned my p.c with AVG, it didn’t find anything, scanned it with ad-aware and it only found some tracking cookies. the only thing that i can see that is out of place is in my ‘MSCONFIG’, theres a process that keeps on running during start-up called DUMPREP 0 -K, i’ve had a search for this on google but i can’t find anything on it.

    if any1 knows anythin about this, please let me know, i can’t even get in2 ‘my computer’ without my p.c crashing and goin in2 this bizzar blue screen, thanks!

    im no computer expert….not even close…
    these are things that i have done…. so its up to you if you want to follow my advice!!!
    Check that you still have availble memory.. if you download heaps you might have run out of room… when that happens your computer can crash and it goes so slowly you could mae a drink a cup of coffee before a page opens…
    Make sure you also clear out your temporary internet files as well… they can take up heaps of space.. clear you cookies maybe as well…

    also you can do a system restore to restore your system to when it was working properly…

    Start – All programs – accessories- system tools- system restore.

    Under system restore you will see a calendar with some dates highlighted.. chose one from when BEFORE you computer was working ok.

    This method has worked for me when my computer was acting all strange..

    If it doesnt work then it will require more technical help which isnt my thing…. Hope you dont have a serious virus or anything….
    good luck!

    actually thats prob not going to help if you dont even get a start up screen…. :sign0007:

    does the blue screen have a ton of numbers and stuff like “core dump” on it?

    What is the whole error message that comes up when it blue screens?

    The stop 0000…. one.

    VIRUS, as anything out of the ordinary is!!!!!!!!!!!!!:love::yawn:

    elretardo87 wrote:
    What is the whole error message that comes up when it blue screens?

    The stop 0000…. one.

    blue screen means it’s normaly a hardware problem …

    Ahh the trusty blue screen of death…

    My sis is having the same issue with her PC gettin the blue screen too..

    If you can get the number at the end of the stop with all the zero’s can usually check what the prob is but yeah tis usually a hardware issue

    elretardo87 wrote:
    What is the whole error message that comes up when it blue screens?

    The stop 0000…. one.

    Aye get the code dude. You can get blue screens for loads of things, but this code will help you diagnose the problem.

    well the problem has stopped now thank god, i’ve installed some proper anti-virus software which i’ve got on disk ( zone labs security suite) just done like an hour scan and it’s got rid of aload of stuff. could of been a virus but it didn’t find anything major.

    and yeh the blue screen that come up says something along the lines of error code 0.000000840×2 or something like that, if it occurs again ill write down everything n post it on here, thanks for the support guys! raaa

    right the problem has come back so here’s a few things i’ve noticed, one. is this……………… (attachment)

    and also i’ve noted down what came up on that blue screen error, it was something like…………

    Technical Information –

    ***STOP – 0x0000007E (0xC0000005, 0x804ECE5F, 0xF7AD2BBC, 0xF7AD28B8)

    i noticed earlier on in the day that i left my computer idle with the monitor turned off, i came to it and it was in a ‘no signal received’ status, but my tower was still on and working. i really don’t know whats wrong wit hit, i’ve given my PC many virus scans so i don’t think that is the error.

    please give a brother some love, cheers!!!


    Acidfairy wrote:
    Ahh the trusty blue screen of death…

    a mate of mine went mental on to much mandy and was sat there looking dead for a minute or 2 and suddenly shot to his feet and screamed “i just saw the blue screen of death for like 3 hours take me to the man with the muscles” hope this helps

    Ok then bud. Cant find Info on that code. But thats fine for now.

    Go to Control Panel/Admin Tools and select the Event Viewer, then from there the System, from the tab. Ideally do this after rebooting from one of these memory dumps, so you can find the right ones. Even better, take note of the exact time it goes off, and wait 5 mins, to better distinguish the log data. You get alot of log entries from startup, so…

    Look for an Error or Warning log, usually they have a yellow exclamation mark, or a red X.

    Click it and screenie the details.

    To me this sounds more RAM related now. Maybe that Worm was there already, but Its not a biggy tbh, and probably wasnt causing the errors. Although could have created some issues though.

    A good way to diagnose hardware problems is to have another computer, that works obviously, and swap the hardware over and try and boot it, starting with the RAM.

    Anyway, post those pics mate and we’ll have a look 🙂

    Oh, what are you doing when the dumps happen? Anything memory intensive? How often do they happen? Maybe load up in Safe mode, and leave the comp Idle and see what happens after a day at work.

    Oh yeah and Dumpprep is related to memory dumps, nothing virus wise as far as I know.

    JonnyQuest wrote:
    a mate of mine went mental on to much mandy and was sat there looking dead for a minute or 2 and suddenly shot to his feet and screamed “i just saw the blue screen of death for like 3 hours take me to the man with the muscles” hope this helps

    i mate of mine had exactly the same thing happen to him after doing a shit load of pills … he just collapsed for about 2 seconds mashed his knee on the floor and got back up again like nothing had happened and carryed on walking :hopeless:

    cheers dom, heres a screenie, if im showin any private info let me know thanks!






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology My computer is buggered