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Forums Life Books, Magazines, Newspapers & Comics Favourite/Shit Books….

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  • Anyone reading anything at the mo?

    My fav book is danny wallace’s Yes Man, such a wicked book!

    At the mo im reading Generation X by Douglas Coupland, its pretty good so far 🙂

    I work for Borders but to be honest not a massive reader, would be good to hear your recommendations!

    sven hassel – wheels of terror.

    A few of my favourates

    bringing down the house, ben mezrich
    marching powder, rusty young
    The teachings of don juan: a yaqui way of knowledge, carlos castaneda
    PiHKAL, alexander shulgin
    a short history of nearly everthing, bill bryson.

    finshed reading ‘The Da Vinci’ code really didnt enjoy it that much was actually looking forward to getting to the end of that boring shite… well at least it only cost me 50p from oxfam!

    Just started readin ‘Vurt’ by Jeff Noon, its really good so far really surreal :love:

    my fave books are old antique ones that i sell to posh folk for lots of monney.

    you’ll laugh when i tell you my fave book
    its black beauty lol
    i am reading the book theif at the moment cant really get into it but it is a good book im just not in the right frame of mind to read it at the minute

    The Lost Army Of Cambyses – Reading it now, very good book!:wink:

    currently I’m reading ‘into the wild’ by Jon Krakauer – the book that inspired the film (of the same title)

    I go through phases where I read loads and loads or…..


    lilmstrixta wrote:
    i am reading the book theif at the moment cant really get into it but it is a good book im just not in the right frame of mind to read it at the minute

    havent you been reading that for months now? this happens to me sometimes …… )

    when I am enjoying the book but just cant get through it or consentrate on it and end up re-reading pages

    yes man is sick, as is dice man. scary ways to live your life though. cider house rules is one of me faves, wilbur smith, chuck paluhnik are all swack

    have i told you about this book by allen car?! 😉

    at the moment im readin Horse’s Arse by Charlie Owen. Also just finished reading the davinci code, which was actually quite good, the ending was a bit of a let down tho…

    djprocess wrote:
    have i told you about this book by allen car?! ;)…

    Once or twice i think:laugh_at: :laugh_at:

    Mr nice by howard marks is a good book

    damo666 wrote:
    Mr nice by howard marks is a good book

    seniour nice by Howard Marks however is a shit book.

    Tank Girl wrote:
    currently I’m reading ‘into the wild’ by Jon Krakauer – the book that inspired the film (of the same title)

    I go through phases where I read loads and loads or…..

    havent you been reading that for months now? this happens to me sometimes …… )

    when I am enjoying the book but just cant get through it or consentrate on it and end up re-reading pages

    yea i am going away with work soon so i might just start it again, it is a good book but i keep getting distracted, another good book i read recently was exstacy by irvine welsh, wierd but rather entertaining.

    Books are fantastic. Its amazing how many people read, but don’t talk about it.

    I fancy ‘Into the wild’ cos I enjoyed the film.

    My favorite is ‘The Road’ by Cormac McCarthy. A post apocalypse/distopian tale, a father taking care of his son, very sparse, but loaded with emotion.

    Also, ‘Divided Kingdom’ Rupert Thompson. Psychologically test everyone in the British Isles, divide them into four groups, send each group to a part of the country separated by large walls and let them get on with it. All violent people together, all optimistic folk together etc.

    Also, ‘A product of the system-my life in and out of prison’ by Mark Leech.

    There is so much good stuff available, you just need to get the right books at the right time in your life, so that you can engage with them, and take meaning from them, and use it.






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Forums Life Books, Magazines, Newspapers & Comics Favourite/Shit Books….