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  • Oh dear.

    I was working in the pub – we’d got a full pub and just taken bare orders, when the power went off for the whole village. It was completely unscheduled and took them 3 hours to fix, in which time we couldn’t cook most of our food, had no friers, microwaves etc. and just a gas oven, tried getting certain things out but people were really dickish and were walking out, as though it was our fault. The pub lost hundreds of pounds.

    Also, BT had cut our phone off to do with a Broadband complication. No leccy and no phone. Fucking awful weekend at work!

    An experience though, to be honest. Cooking by candlelight.

    Sounds like a nightmare hun if you ask me, i dont know why people can be all funny like that with you not your fault leccy went off is it.

    i remeber when i worked in a harvester .. there was a power cut for about an hour …. kitchen full of dirty plates as it was the end of the busyest shift all week …. got sent home as it was to dark in the kitchen to clean … 🙂 … got over the road and the power came back on .. haha .. .. even got a phone call from them asking me to come back .. cheek of it … told them i was allready on the bus :laugh_at:

    boothy wrote:
    Oh dear.

    I was working in the pub – we’d got a full pub and just taken bare orders, when the power went off for the whole village. It was completely unscheduled and took them 3 hours to fix, in which time we couldn’t cook most of our food, had no friers, microwaves etc. and just a gas oven, tried getting certain things out but people were really dickish and were walking out, as though it was our fault. The pub lost hundreds of pounds.

    when there was load of winds earlier this year it blew the overhead cables together where I worked and they are uninsulated wire at 400V – luckily it was Friday night and I have a UPS protecting all the important stuff like the network drives, telephone system and switches/routers but i had to come in to work at the weekend to restart all the equipment as the UPS battery had run down..

    People seem to take electricity for granted these days … and don’t realise just how ropey some of the infrastructure is – surely if there is gas then some things can still be cooked?

    I’d still have stayed in the pub, probably just taken the LED lamps off my bike and brought them in for light lol – actually I usually always carry a torch just in case as I work out in the sticks

    if it meant eating/drinking something different wouldn’t have bothered me, we need to be prepared for these things…

    General Lighting wrote:
    we need to be prepared for these things…

    i have a fall out shelter in my garden stocked up for 25 years … i am just wating for the apocolyps :laugh_at:

    thats just what happens when you live in emmerdale boothy

    when I lived in Glostershire this used to happen quite often. we’d usually wander to our local pub for candel lit drinks and pay the day after

    or play scrabble / monopoly listening to the radio (and fight as I’d always end up loosing :laugh_at: )
    it was nice although not often enough to become problematic






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Powercut on Saturday Night