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New job, new city, mo’ money!

Forums Life Money New job, new city, mo’ money!

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  • Found out a while ago but Im getting a £3,300 pay rise and moving to the Oxford Borders 🙂 so any of you mofo who live in/near Oxford do come and say hi!
    I’m well chuffed to be honest because I orginally said no to the job because it wasnt enough money for the comute etc and then they rang me back after I went back to my old job and my regional manger added another grand on top of what they already offered me because they want me there that bad 🙂 woop!
    Best thing about it is there is no more responsibilty involved its the same job i do now but for more money :laugh_at:

    So im doing a job im good at and gettign the money i need!

    :bounce_fl Onwards and upwards!

    Congrats! 🙂 hope everything works out alright for you! :group_hug


      Congratulation rachus :bounce_g::bounce_g:

      congratulations :bounce_fl

      thers a few around oxford on here – so you shouldnt be too dissapoiinted :group_hug

      rachus;232784 wrote:
      Found out a while ago but Im getting a £3,300 pay rise and moving to the Oxford Borders 🙂 so any of you mofo who live in/near Oxford do come and say hi!
      I’m well chuffed to be honest because I orginally said no to the job because it wasnt enough money for the comute etc and then they rang me back after I went back to my old job and my regional manger added another grand on top of what they already offered me because they want me there that bad 🙂 woop!
      Best thing about it is there is no more responsibilty involved its the same job i do now but for more money :laugh_at:

      So im doing a job im good at and gettign the money i need!

      :bounce_fl Onwards and upwards!

      Your going to be working in the Oxford Borders…. sweet, I missed saying hi when you were there last time. So I will still have time to come in and throw stuff at you :laugh_at:

      (oh congrats by the way):wink:

      Well done, hope it goes well 😉


      Fantastic – hope its a great new start raaa

      good god damn, thats alot of money congrats what ya gonna spend it on?:wink:

      Ta everyone 🙂 job is going alright! in my first 2 days 2 people were mugged when i was manager and one of the victims had a gashed open head! Lots of tramps and weird loocking folk but its going swimmingly, start looking for places to live there soon.

      Money is going straight into my savings account for travelling, i wont even see any of it. its all good :laugh_at:






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    Forums Life Money New job, new city, mo’ money!