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Latency problems in Cubase SX

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Latency problems in Cubase SX

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  • I’m runnin Cubase SX with Reason 4. My computer is easily fast enough and it runs very well apart from one thing. When I bring up a sequencer for say, a piano in cubase coming from reason, when i press one of the keys that comes up next to it to play a note, it takes a couple of seconds to actually play it. When I put some midi in the sequencer though, it plays it instantly when I press play on the whole arrangement. When I click to place a box it also takes a couple of seconds before it plays me the noise that I’ve just placed in. Coz the actual sequencing works properly I can still build tunes but its rete annoyin that I have to wait to hear the notes.

    Cant figure it out:crazy_diz:crazy_diz

    sheffield-junglist;236335 wrote:
    I’m runnin Cubase SX with Reason 4. My computer is easily fast enough and it runs very well apart from one thing. When I bring up a sequencer for say, a piano in cubase coming from reason, when i press one of the keys that comes up next to it to play a note, it takes a couple of seconds to actually play it. When I put some midi in the sequencer though, it plays it instantly when I press play on the whole arrangement. When I click to place a box it also takes a couple of seconds before it plays me the noise that I’ve just placed in. Coz the actual sequencing works properly I can still build tunes but its rete annoyin that I have to wait to hear the notes.

    Cant figure it out:crazy_diz:crazy_diz

    i had simila problem b4 .. never worked it out either .. would be good to hear the reason why .. only thing i could think of was .. shit sound card .. shit cables … and a few other silly things like that .. but i am sure it goes deeper:cry:

    DaftFader;236344 wrote:
    i had simila problem b4 .. never worked it out either .. would be good to hear the reason why .. only thing i could think of was .. shit sound card .. shit cables … and a few other silly things like that .. but i am sure it goes deeper:cry:

    Naah I’m pretty sure its not got owt to do with the soundcard. I havent actually opened the settings and had a proper mess about but I were thinkin it might be summat to do with the buffer size. I don’t rete know much about it though but I’m sure someone on ere will:wink:

    this aint related to your queston, but what do you mean by running reason thru cubase? like, using the reason sequencers thru cubase? didnt know you could do that.

    and is that what daw and plugin based programs are meant for?

    Tek Offensive;236380 wrote:
    this aint related to your queston, but what do you mean by running reason thru cubase? like, using the reason sequencers thru cubase? didnt know you could do that.

    and is that what daw and plugin based programs are meant for?

    Naah what I mean is using the sequencer and all of the other little bits and bobs in cubase (Timestretchin, loop slicin etc.) but runnin reason in rewire so that it acts as a virtual rack basically. For example, if I load in a sampler in reason and put a loop into it and then create a new sequencer channel in cubase (After settin it all up properly) and map that channel to the sampler in reason, I can use the sampler in reason but control and sequence it in cubase, if you know wot I mean.

    Yeh Cubase is meant for this. Apparently Steinberg (Who make Cubase) and Propellarhead (Reason) actually made a deal with each other to try and make people buy their products together. Thats why its so easy to link em together and thats also the reason that reason can’t go fullscreen, because your meant to have cubase behind it. the sequencer can go fullscreen but if your usin cubase, you won’t be usin the reason sequencer:wink:

    Just about anythin can be linked up with Cubase.

    Yeh thats probably a really shit, ramblin explaination but if you need to know owt else about it like how to get em workin together then just ask raaa

    i know a LOT about this subject and i find it is fixed by typing with dashes between words instead of spaces :love:

    ellie;236554 wrote:
    i know a LOT about this subject and i find it is fixed by typing with dashes between words instead of spaces :love:

    HAHAHAHAHA Classic:laugh_at::laugh_at:


    I take it you’ve tried adjusting the ASIO buffering?

    i think its more to do with reason 4 mate. last night i put it on my brothers laptop and got the same thing, about 1/4 second delay when you play a note, even in the sequencer.

    and its not cos its a shit laptop, its a week old sony vaio, where as my pc which runs it fine is a 3 year old piece of gash.

    the only thing which isnt better on the laptop is my soundcard, could that be the cause i wonder???

    if you get it sorted could you post what you did?

    BioTech;236585 wrote:
    I take it you’ve tried adjusting the ASIO buffering?

    whats that?

    @Tek Offensive 236673 wrote:

    whats that?

    It’s somewhere deep in the settings. I’d tell you where but Cubase etc is on my other drive and I’m not on there at the mo.

    ASIO is what Cubase uses to communicate between it’s software and your soundcard/hardware so it’s fairly important to get it set up right.

    It bypases all the windows audio support which can often improve latency issues but it needs to be set up right in the first place. have a look in the settings.

    I think I knew it in the back of my mind all along but I just didn’t want to think about it coz it involves money.. Which I don’t have any of! Were talkin to this guy at ma college who KNOWS what he’s on about and he asked me to tell him the name of ma sound card and he says that its probably just coz ma sound card is shit:hopeless::hopeless:

    I thought of that but I just hoped that it were a different problem…
    Looks like im gunna have to buy a new soundcard, go into BIOS to disable my onboard one, go into this, go into fuckin that…..


    Before you by a new soundcard, have you checked the ASIO buffering? It would cause the issues you describe.

    BioTech;236808 wrote:
    Before you by a new soundcard, have you checked the ASIO buffering? It would cause the issues you describe.

    Err… Dunno how to do it. Explain?:wink:

    Also, at the moment I’m usin an on-screen midi keyboard til i can afford a proper one but since i started usin cubase, everytime i press a key on it it just stops respondin so I cant even make any synths now:cry: Anyone know what this could be?

    Sounds like a problem with the ASIO settings – your soundcard has to support ASIO to get any kind of playable latency in cubase (otherwise cubase will default back to directx or MME and it will seem like an age between pressing a key and hearing the sound).

    If you’re using an on board sound chip on your motherboard, it is unlikely it will support ASIO – in which case a new sound card is your only real option. If it does support ASIO then you need to tell cubase to use it (somewhere in the preferences settings), and set the latency to around 20ms or below…






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Latency problems in Cubase SX