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Fallout 3

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  • Just picked this up looks pretty good! Anyone played it? 😉

    DJCliffy;245249 wrote:
    Just picked this up looks pretty good! Anyone played it? 😉

    i played fallout 1 … cant w8 to play this 🙂

    Tell me how it is guys raaa

    Depending on my ammount of income over the next 2 months I might get it.

    I played on it all last night. Even my mate offering me lines of hugo couldn’t get me off it. It is a PHAT game! If you liked oblivion then you will like this. :love:

    Yeah it’s good. Good story line, total freedom and plenty to keep you busy.

    It’s not as open as Oblivion to be honest.

    If you complete the main story line the game ends, not even half the side-quests that Oblivion has, that progressive level thing where it doesn’t feel like you’re really levelling, constant crashing and bugs and Bethesda is no good at getting patches out.

    However, it is a good game and I would recommend it.

    Keep in mind though that this Fallout is nothing like the rest other two Fallout games, there’s not really any dark humour or anything that the series is known for.

    I thought it was mint, the VATS things mental. Havent finished it yet cos im trying to do all the side quests cos i’v heard it ends pretty abruptly and i cant be assed starting again. Being able to blast the shit out of anybody will never get old though…

    @O-D 245391 wrote:

    It’s not as open as Oblivion to be honest.[/quote]

    Oblivion was massive but it was so repetitive and everywhere looked almost exactly the same. Great game but I feel Fallout3 is better put together in that sense. Oblivion was unecessarily big IMO.

    I’ve had it crash a couple of times so far and I haven’t come across any of the bugs so I’m happy at the moment.

    Keep in mind though that this Fallout is nothing like the rest other two Fallout games, there’s not really any dark humour or anything that the series is known for.

    I never played the first two, which I’m kind of glad about because it seems those that did are expecting something different to what F3 delivers.

    HairyGrape, How’d you find the game in the end?! :love:

    Bugger I got 5 hrs into this and my xbox fuxed up on me, stupid red ring of death.

    AGENT 15;307217 wrote:
    Bugger I got 5 hrs into this and my xbox fuxed up on me, stupid red ring of death.

    Ouch man very ouch. Happened to me before, What colour disc tray is on your xbox, is it silver? 😉

    DJCliffy;307219 wrote:
    Ouch man very ouch. Happened to me before, What colour disc tray is on your xbox, is it silver? 😉

    yes why?

    AGENT 15;307220 wrote:
    yes why?

    Xbox consoles with a silver disc tray are from the old skool and were not manufactured properly. They were put together with the wrong solder or something and this causes them to break down usually about a year and a half after first turning it on.

    The new ones with a white disc tray have had the problem fixed (so im told) if you ever go to get a new one make sure you have a look at the disc tray just in case they give you a dodgy silver one (still quite a few on them floating around).b:love:

    Just been browsing and found that Fallout 4 is on the cards. Sweet! raaa

    DJCliffy;307280 wrote:
    Just been browsing and found that Fallout 4 is on the cards. Sweet! raaa

    Just played Fallout 3 for like the 240th save on my 5th Character. Tis awesome and hearing about Fallout 4 is drool worthy but I really hoped (and wish) Bethesda would put Elder Scrolls V highest on the priority list. :hopeless:

    Atm they are producing a game called “Rouge Warrior” I think, FPS or something I can’t remember atm, tis on the Bethesda site. But I do still rate Oblivion the best game I’ve had the honour of kaining.






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