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what are class-d cabs like?

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology what are class-d cabs like?

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  • can anyone help me please i am trying to build a rig am on limited budget and was wondering what the brand class-d where like .. they do a good sales pitch and to be quite honest for the money the cabs kick out some wattage .. anyone know what they are like or should i steer clear.. cheers friends.. say shoes..!

    The eminence ones are good and moderately cheap { we have fane colussos in our ones which are evil but expensive

    cheers friend .. anyone else got any views on em or recomendations..

    Class D the brand are awful.

    I wouldn’t give them the time of day.


    dont bother with a crossover eather unless you want your rig fucking up.

    MrAHC;245776 wrote:

    dont bother with a crossover eather unless you want your rig fucking up.

    Good advice there as always MrAHC. Read the manual yet?

    myser;245446 wrote:
    can anyone help me please i am trying to build a rig am on limited budget and was wondering what the brand class-d where like .. they do a good sales pitch and to be quite honest for the money the cabs kick out some wattage .. anyone know what they are like or should i steer clear.. cheers friends.. say shoes..!

    havent a clue what your on about but I like your avatar pic :laugh_at:

    “You are a dyed-in-the-wool, fascist, reactionary, squalid little, ‘know your place’, ‘don’t rise above yourself’, ‘don’t get out of your hole’ – complacent little turd”

    “You are morally, spiritually and physically a festering fly-blown heap of accumulated filth. ” 😉


    elretardo87;245793 wrote:
    Good advice there as always MrAHC. Read the manual yet?

    there isnt one, got 1 blown top ,all my amps have lost a channel & 2 partys have been ruined.

    MrAHC;245776 wrote:

    dont bother with a crossover eather unless you want your rig fucking up.

    how do yo run your system without one??

    back to the thread, weve got some clasd stuff and its good for the money, but definitley budget stuff. cheap built quality makes em pretty fragile compared to the stuff you can get for a little more, or by buying second hand. the drivers are ok tho, ours are just old emminence speaker designs with the labels ripped of the back.

    tbh id steer clear and look around for second hand stuff with hindsight. we only got ours cos the lot came to a ridulously low price, when you took the cost of the 3 c-mark amps and behringer crossover and cables from the lot we were getting the speakers for just under 800. thats four bins, 4 kicks and 4 midtops

    Tek Offensive;246839 wrote:
    how do yo run your system without one??

    quite easily but we can only use 2 amps instead of the 3 we have, thus the rig is smaller.
    i thought a xover was a good idea till i fitted it and couldnt work it. its turned me prety apathetic to putting partys on when your turning up and nothings happening. alot of our croud have deserted us coz of the last 2 disasters.






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology what are class-d cabs like?