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Bioshock 2

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  • Is meant to be coming out later this year, Sweeeeeeet!! raaaraaa

    sweet as! bioshock was a sweet game, only got to play it last october though when it came out on ps3.

    hopefully this one comes out on ps at the same time.

    cant wait, the last one is what got me back into gaming.

    also killzone2 is out now, gonna buy that when i can afford it cos the first one was sick

    Nice! Good game with a great style and story. Hopefully it will involve less of the “go get this item and this item and bring it back here to use before you can get through this door” kinda gameplay.

    Although I know that’s the basic premise of most games.

    BioTech;312332 wrote:
    Hopefully it will involve less of the “go get this item and this item and bring it back here to use before you can get through this door” kinda gameplay.

    Although I know that’s the basic premise of most games.

    if any games gonna do that then its bioshock.

    i dont like must new games at the moment, because they purposely hold back alot so they can make 3 4 5 6 7 and 8….. its a fact

    First one is excellent! Never actually finished it though because I got a bit frustrated trying to kill those big metal things (forget the names, it’s been a while) because I played on the hardest mode and they took aaaaages to die. Which was doable, you die alot and you never have enough juice/bullets and had to use that little bit you are given when you respawn.

    Other than that.

    BIG DADDIES! they were pretty hardcore at first. till you get the better weapons.

    thats another good thing, in no other game have i had to conserve ammo so much. which made the game much better as you had to approach things differently all the time.

    Tek Offensive;312547 wrote:

    thats another good thing, in no other game have i had to conserve ammo so much. which made the game much better as you had to approach things differently all the time.

    Ah you mean the old stun n clobber em method! raaa

    Might have to play bioshock again soon! 😉

    lay about 6 elctro bolts down a corridoor then lure em down it, works everytime.

    @DJCliffy 312550 wrote:

    Ah you mean the old stun n clobber em method! raaa

    Might have to play bioshock again soon! 😉

    Aye Im feeling it now I think. Especially seen as Ive got an 8800 gt in there now as opposed to an 8600gt. Always gives a game a bit more replay value when your whack some new hardware in.

    Also, after being corrected by Google Spell Checker – i’m wondering… Does anyone still say whhhhhhack as it’s spelling suggests it should be said :weee:

    Do you know a Bioshock film is in the works. It’s scheduled for release in the summer of 2010 when Bioshock 3 is coming out. :weee:

    DJCliffy;312811 wrote:
    Do you know a Bioshock film is in the works. It’s scheduled for release in the summer of 2010 when Bioshock 3 is coming out. :weee:

    Dear god, sounds like too much if you know what I mean… :crazy:

    GrassChopper;312865 wrote:
    Dear god, sounds like too much if you know what I mean… :crazy:

    Aye it does a bit, I’m up for seeing a Bioshock film though, has a good director attached so should be good!

    Not too sure on a Bioshock 3 though, lets see what the second one is like first eh?!! 😉

    @GrassChopper 312865 wrote:

    Dear god, sounds like too much if you know what I mean… :crazy:

    Maybe not. It’s one of the better game story lines with a fair bit of depth and political ideas if you look in to it.

    Brilliant setting too.

    a film, wonder how that will turn out






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