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Cubase SX Problem =[

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Cubase SX Problem =[

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  • ello, so, ive recently got cubase sx2.2, and i like it nd everything. but in the key editor, when i try to draw in th notes… they dnt play when i press play. :hopeless:
    but if i press play, then try to draw the notes in while its playing through, the notes appear and play, but they are 1 bar long (and on the same bar):you_crazy
    im sorry if this aint very clear. but its reli reli reli pissin me off. o nd btw, when i try to draw the notes in when its not playin, they appear blue, but when i do it whilst its playin. theyre red. im fukin confused ppl!!???
    please help if u can:cry:


    ay ay ay ay ay

    well if there a foot long you either need to change the snap to and quantize settings i think or the zoom 😉 .. not sure about why there not plaing tho … have you got a moody vertion of cuebase? or did you buy it? have you set up your vst instraments and your input and output sound properly?

    DaftFader;323849 wrote:
    well if there a foot long you either need to change the snap to and quantize settings i think or the zoom 😉 .. not sure about why there not plaing tho … have you got a moody vertion of cuebase? or did you buy it? have you set up your vst instraments and your input and output sound properly?

    naaah, i was naughty nd got it the *cheap* way. 😉
    but it works fine on my other pc, so it probly aint a problem with cubase itself, but maby i just screwed up some settings?
    nd ye ive got my vst in nd out setup properly…i think

    you have the same opperating systems on both pc’s?

    DaftFader;323866 wrote:
    you have the same opperating systems on both pc’s?

    laptop has xp pro nd desktop has xp pro 64 bit. think tht cud b th problem?

    some of the hacked vertions don’t like 64 bit

    ey, just so ya know, ive fixed it =]






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Cubase SX Problem =[