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    Zeitgeist: Addendum premiered at the 5th Annual Artivist Film Festival in Los Angeles, California on October 2, 2008, winning their highest award. It was released free online on October 4, 2008. Director Peter Joseph stated: “The failure of our world to resolve the issues of war, poverty, and corruption, rests within a gross ignorance about what guides human behavior to begin with. It addresses the true source of the instability in our society, while offering the only fundamental, long-term solution.”

    i hate paranoid conspiracy theories

    p0lygon-Window;330396 wrote:
    i hate paranoid conspiracy theories

    so every one in the world is honest and nice? … the govenment do exactly what they say? and never hide anything from you? is that what you are saing?:you_crazy

    DaftFader;330411 wrote:
    so every one in the world is honest and nice? … the govenment do exactly what they say? and never hide anything from you? is that what you are saing?:you_crazy

    yeah that is igsactly what i am saying….. please do not make assumptions like that. i stated something i do not like, personally i do not see how these conspiracy theories do anything but get people scared about the world and get us no where.

    like this for example ‘explosives were placed in the twin towers and thats why they collapsed’ the government + scientists said that the metal bits at the side got really hot bent and collapsed in on itself

    YouTube – Twin Towers Collapse

    explain to me how the governement/scientists were lying with that video, PARANOID PARANOID PARAAAAANOID

    yeah you should question everything but you should also question the people who make these ridiculous claims aswell (imo ridiculous)

    personally i do not like getting paranoid about stuff which i think is a load of shit, but i do care about stuff like Sharia law and the end of free speech in europe because of Islam (that is already happening)

    there are some “conspirasys” that have overwhelming eveidence from top people saying that they are true tho as well are these people lyeing? or is it just the thought that something sinister is happening that scares you? so you dissmiss it? 😛

    DaftFader;330419 wrote:
    there are some “conspirasys” that have overwhelming eveidence from top people saying that they are true tho as well are these people lyeing? or is it just the thought that something sinister is happening that scares you? so you dissmiss it? 😛

    The world is already a fucked up place, me sitting around believing theories aint gonna do me any good (or even help the situation at all imo)

    yes now im saying that ‘Top people’ are lying, why dont u quote these top people.
    please show me this overwhelming evidence, i would love to see it

    p0lygon-Window;330421 wrote:
    The world is already a fucked up place, me sitting around believing theories aint gonna do me any good (or even help the situation at all imo)

    yes now im saying that ‘Top people’ are lying, why dont u quote these top people.
    please show me this overwhelming evidence, i would love to see it

    ok if i told you that there was this thing called remote viewing where you could sit people in a dark room and they could pin point the exact location of the enimys base and this was used in the cold war by the russians .. would you belive it? or would you just put it down to a “conspiracy” theory?

    there are forces and powers beyond our power and imagination at work in this world wether it be govenments or blackholes .. you say sitting in your room thinknig about these things isn’t gonna do you any good or change anything … well not just thinking on it .. but if your not happy about the giovenment .. just sitting there thinking about it isn’t gonna help .. less so is blocking it out .. what you have to do to change things is actualy get off your fat ass and do something about it (not directed at you btw) so many people don’t realise when they say “i can’t do anything about it” they really mean “i can’t be bothered to try”

    DaftFader;330424 wrote:
    ok if i told you that there was this thing called remote viewing where you could sit people in a dark room and they could pin point the exact location of the enimys base and this was used in the cold war by the russians .. would you belive it? or would you just put it down to a “conspiracy” theory?

    there are forces and powers beyond our power and imagination at work in this world wether it be govenments or blackholes .. you say sitting in your room thinknig about these things isn’t gonna do you any good or change anything … well not just thinking on it .. but if your not happy about the giovenment .. just sitting there thinking about it isn’t gonna help .. less so is blocking it out .. what you have to do to change things is actualy get off your fat ass and do something about it (not directed at you btw) so many people don’t realise when they say “i can’t do anything about it” they really mean “i can’t be bothered to try”

    At no point did i ever say that all conspiracies are lies. yes i know that you need to actually try and do something but what igsactly? the american government killed JFK!!! I’m not happy about this!! just say JFK conspiracy theory is true, then i don’t stand a chance against the government.
    Jews are gonna take over the world, what can i do about it?

    i don’t believe them anyway so i do not care

    yes jews are gonna take over the world!!! i am coming for you first with my jew stick!!!! :laugh_at:

    Before i watched Zeigeist I too thought there were too many crappy consiracy theories regarding the TT’s fall. But i was fascinated by the docufilm and it really got me thinking about how the world is governed and especially the films views on the TT’s incident. As for the building that collapsed several blocks for the TT’s – that was news to me!

    The follow up to Zeitgeist docufilm – Zeirgeist Addendum – wasn’t as convincing in my opinion. For example it’s correct about the technology available for thrains to travel 1000mph and to get across for one side of America to the other in a very short space of time. This news has been around for years. It fails to mention that scientists are faced with massive safety concerns, for example if a train touched the side of a tunnel at 1000 mph it will disintergrate causing certain fatalities for all on board. The technology is already being tested in theme parks at the beginning for rollercoasters so they start of quick immediately, rather than the traditional method of dragging the rollercoaster up to a high point before it begins its run – think Blackpool pleasure beach here.

    the area around the pentagon had all their cctv recordings conviscated by the feds, and have never released any of them

    How did they capture the footage of the first plane anyway? Or did they only capture the second? Or was there a giant sign saying cnn point your cameras to the twin towers NOW? Anyway… I too have to say all those conspiracy theories and dvds piss me off..

    All that i have seen are presented in nearly exactly the same way and make it sound all dramatic and stuff!?? I’m not sayin the goverment is all honest but i Havent come by any genuine documentary.

    Same goes for allot of relgious documentarys and videos (with all due respect to religoiun) they all repeat the same thing in the same format and dont answer any questions?

    There are people who think milk is toxic, all food is drugged with mind controlling substances, that the earth is flat… The list goes on….

    The twin towers was a tourist attraction … allways loads of people there looking at it taking photo’s or filming it ect.






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Forums Life Conspiracy Theories Zeitgeist Addendum