Just home from fusion….had a smashing good time and a deep dip into the ACID pond! Reach for the LASERS!!!
as i said, we dont want wow gold uniballer monotestacle pugface rathead cuntdrippler mingebag
@joshd96320 339563 wrote:
as i said, we dont want wow gold uniballer monotestacle pugface rathead cuntdrippler mingebag
stop dribling on my posts
sorry, i was reading that post and thinking to myself have i ever done drugs :S
then i realised it was a spammer selling WoW gold.. and now the post got deleted and now it makes me look like a tit raaa
HA HA! anyway take a good looksi at the picts and schedule your next summer holiday
yes sirrrrr
@!sinner69! 337501 wrote:
Just home from fusion….had a smashing good time and a deep dip into the ACID pond! Reach for the LASERS!!!
a DEEP dip? raaaraaa
I have shamefully let my German get very rusty but had a look on the website and it is clearly a very well organised festival with minimal conflict to the environment and locals and when there are rules the reason for them was well explained – the whole thing seemed typically German in many respects 😉
€55 only for the whole weekend. Now why can’t we do this in England? I don’t think we can just blame cops/right wing government as Germany now has that too (Angela Merkel etc) and I bet there is 100 times more bureaucracy for licensing than England, yet the crews manage to put on this excellent event…
Some things about fusion is needed to be mentioned; Its all started with someone bought half of a cold-war airbase…then made a small festival and invited everyone wich have somekind of leftist political orientation to work on it….profesionals and activists or just people that want to spend time to make the party they want to join in……then it grew and only by info from people to people, it have grown into a monster in a good sense…..people are tired of mcdonaldficated festivals where all is probited so they find their answer in fusion, wich do not have big headliners, and never reveal the line up before aprox festival start! You go there for the party and probably get more of anything you have dreamt of………
I’ll say
Party ON!
Looks fantastic Sinner :bounce_fl
@!sinner69! 343775 wrote:
Some things about fusion is needed to be mentioned; Its all started with someone bought half of a cold-war airbase…then made a small festival and invited everyone wich have somekind of leftist political orientation to work on it….profesionals and activists or just people that want to spend time to make the party they want to join in……
I did get the impression from what I could read that it was very much like the 1980s socialist movement type ethos and “swords into ploughshares”(I noticed some warnings against wearing certain designer clothes labels which apparently the neo-fascists had invested in!)
hmm, we have old airbases just a few kilometres from where I live 😉
it is inspiration for me to keep up with my German (and other foreign languages) so I can learn more from things like this……
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