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  • Sucks moose knuckles. Raining again, So much for the heatwave eh. Hopefully august will be better but i can’t see it. :hopeless:

    clunge weather

    at the risk of sounding like a miserable cunt, i have too much on to go out and play and so i am enjoying the bad weather cos it means i am not missing out on phat parties…..

    Theres thunder here and raining, it was sunny earlier though, nice weather predicted for the weekend down south

    Bit of thunder here. woke me up. thought i was under attack!! 🙁

    epic rain n thunder earlier =D

    we was supposed to go to the beach yesterday

    being unemployed and therefore considerably bored, i was really looking forward to it

    15 of us chilling out with pint of lager and fish n chips on the sunny filey beach

    apart from it fucking pissed it down
    so we didn’t go

    they said every day this summer will be over 30 degrees. bollocks lol. it might get better though lets be optimistic about these thing eh?

    @fishpaste 342591 wrote:

    they said every day this summer will be over 30 degrees. bollocks lol. it might get better though lets be optimistic about these thing eh?

    Bastards ain’t they. They hype up the summer and get us all excited. One week of bliss then back to shitty British weather, I’m gonna stop listening to the weather man and decide myself how it will be!

    I’m just hoping August will be better! :love:

    august will be good its my birthday month its always good: D

    @fishpaste 342591 wrote:

    they said every day this summer will be over 30 degrees. bollocks lol. it might get better though lets be optimistic about these thing eh?

    the same people saying this are now talking up the bad weather… there are lots of journos what know fuck all about meterology, and also private “weather forecasters” with axes to grind trying to prove met office wrong..

    the weather isn’t actually that bad for a summer in Great Britain.

    Peoples expectations have been made unrealistic by a few “good” summers at the start of the 2000s. It might rain for a few hours and temperatures have been lower (albeit still in the early 20s most of the time here ) but it is not as bad as people think.

    Bear in mind I don’t own a car and cycle every day often long distances, and if it really was crap I’d be the first to curse the weather…

    Also nearly all media organisations are increasingly slack with updating their weather broadcasts from the met office – you get a new observation and forecast update every hour from Meto (check the website) but lots of media places run the same forecast video/audio file and only update every 4 hours (so 6 broadcasts per day).

    This gives a wrong (and often worse) perception of the actual weather…

    One thing I have noticed consistently is that weather is better midweek and deteriorates at the weekend. I am unfortunately yet to find any rational scientific reason for this though – even asked Binge who has a degree in environmental science and studied things like this at Uni and he couldn’t find an answer…..

    thanks… I vaguely remember seeing something about traffic/pollution being a possible cause of this but haven’t until now been able to find any decent / reliable sources other than just mainstream journalists..

    here is the full report of the German scientists referred to in the link ketordeath found

    Detection of regional weekly weather cycles across Europe

    edit: this report is less than a year old hence why none of us could find it last year, fair play to those Germans as it must have taken a lot of effort to get all the info together…

    I’d definitely rather have (slightly) cooler weather than pollution..

    met office have now rescinded their earlier long range forecast predicting a hot summer, replacing it with a more normal one for this nation (although not anywhere as bad as the flooding of 2007 / 2008). They have admitted to adding a certain amount of “false optimism” to the good weather allegedly to help journalists!!

    BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Met Office cools summer forecast

    My theory was shot to shit. I predicted it would be nice as we’ve already had two shit summers so this should be a decent one.

    I have now realised the shit summer is entirely the fault of the Labour party. I blame Gordon Brown for this now.






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