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Crowbar/CS gas retribution at Venom rave

Forums Rave Party Reports Crowbar/CS gas retribution at Venom rave

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    sounds pretty dark tbh:

    i think alot of you are not grasping the situation properly. cops wernt the problem this time, and it wasnt a few hard chavs. it was a gang from acton taking revenge for some stuff that happend to one of their boys last week at synthesis in battersea. i was beaten mugged and pepper sprayed, a girl phoning an ambulance for me was beaten, i had a knife pulled on me twice, and ofcorse we all had to deal with cs gas. the security did all they could but were quickly blinded and rushed. I saw two of the Acton boys telling an ambulance they wernt needed, so medical attention did not come as needed. a girl was rushed to hospital after her skull was fractured by a crowbar. her mates rib wasbroken. one of my best friends was bricked in the head. please dont insult the people who were there by saying “ahh man, the cops are meanies they took my drugs” because it goes deeper than that. i just hope this heat comes off of our precious scene before it goes the way of the tekno parties of old. im terrified to go to acid monkey but i wont let those cunts destroy what i love, so im getting back out there.

    somethin to do with the organiser pissing off people, but the punters got the payback.

    yeah i read about that sounds scary as

    I’ve got on my PC a entire report about CS gas being discharged at a urban music event in Luton. It put a local hospital into red alert (due to number of patients presenting to Emergency Dept) and the report did not come from NHS where I usually get these things from (although they did of course provide a lot of input) but the Home Office CBRN/Anti terrorist Directorate due to the impact it had on the local infrastructure.

    It wasn’t covered up but was on a open access public sector website somewhere (a fairly obscure one) I found it whilst looking for other stuff on IT security and dealing with environmental incidents.

    this sort of thing can happen at any public event the cops will be taking this seriously, metpol CO14 clubs and vice unit will be involved and it will impact increasingly on whether late night music events of all genres continue to be tolerated in Great Britain.

    The ability to have all night legal music based events is comparatively recent, it only started when I was about 16, before that town centres were basically closed at midnight and cops herded young people off the streets. and there wasn’t a fraction of the CCTV or Police strengths there is now. Most people now in their thirties or above can remember this.

    Bear in mind its a lot easier and quicker for Whitehall and the NHS to work out the costs of dealing with incidents like this offset against the benefits of the nighttime economy (tax revnues etc). We could easily go “back in time”, especially when the Government changes next year.

    @General Lighting 364598 wrote:

    We could easily go “back in time”, especially when the Government changes next year.


    Let’s have a bit of optimism 😉

    was this a few months ago? cos if it was then i was there … if not then not the first time this has happened to these organisers

    @DaftFader 364605 wrote:

    was this a few months ago? cos if it was then i was there … if not then not the first time this has happened to these organisers

    think so mate yes, was it as bad as it sounds? its stuff like this that really put me off a lot of free partys

    @MisterDuck 364600 wrote:


    Let’s have a bit of optimism 😉

    even if Labour stay in there is going to be a cabinet reshuffle which given previous history is tantamount to a “change of government” certainly with regard to licensing/criminal justice etc. Bear in mind I served 4 years in a Whitehall department in a high level section (quite close to No 10) and have seen things “from the inside” particularly with regard to legislation and government finances. Although the war (fuelled by greed and consumerism of the common people) is a epic fuck up of all proportions, not everything Tony Blair did was bad, under his leadership a bit more hedonistic personal freedom was initially tolerated. IMO it was the British public who are as responsible for todays clampdowns as any politicians – when in the 1990s Blair courted the pop stars, media creatives and had a surprisingly light touch against drugs enforcement he was villified for being “too soft”. I expect a lot of people here are now slightly too young to remember “cool brittania”..

    Also the local constabularies, NHS and Councils are working very hard to scrutinise the night-time economy (there have already been clampdowns in Manchester for instance, with even boozers being subjected to the same crackdowns as “drug friendly” nightclubs).

    there always seems to be an issue at these venom parties. The reason i’ve never attended one.

    Wishing a speedy recovery to those injured.
    There are Plenty of good vibes out there people, lots of smaller parties going off in town with no bother, stick to smaller less facebooked parties . Yes Venom has a problem (fuck knows what, a prettyfuckingseriousone! By the look of it .) As this is becomming a regular thing with Venom will be staying away from now on, its a shame as they are they fucking top top parties !

    I was reading an official document from metpol e-crime unit just yesterday (you can find it on the Scotland Yard website, for obvious reasons I’m not linking it here) which actually mentioned “protecting the brand image and reputation of online businesses/communities such as Facebook from e-crime” as part of their remit.

    yes, and I hope Metpol Operation Open Source lot read this thread as well.

    reading the injury list, thats about £15 000 of NHS treatment costs caused because of this party and unlike a licensed one they have paid absolutely fuck all in taxes and fees to offset these costs. At that point I don’t think “free parties” deserve to happen any more, at least not from crews like that.

    This was actually the 2nd of 2 attacks (I think).
    There was one in Feb which involved crowbars, baseball bats and metal poles, rig + owner got pretty damaged as did many others, lots of police and ambulances hanging around and a very sketchy vibe. The 2nd was this one in November, same guys with CS gas and crowbars, I wasn’t at this one, but friends were and said it was a horrific experience, a couple who were ment to be playing, once kicking the fire exit down to escape got in their car and shot straight home.

    Venom did good parties, a couple of the better ones I have been too were Venom, but there have always been issues of payment to artists, rig owners, engineers, decor and other crews they worked with; on top of the violence and sketchy crowds that are attracted to their parties. Several bad site choices havn’t helpped either (parties on a nature reserve and so on)

    It has also been said that the same guys were involved in other attacks and tried attacks on other parties in London who have been affiliated with Venom. Last year was not a happy time for the London party scene.

    Dark stuffs.






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Forums Rave Party Reports Crowbar/CS gas retribution at Venom rave