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Lap top speakers.

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  • I have recently brought a 2nd hand lap top (damn good deal) but the speakers have what sounds like feed back/crackleing as tho they are not fixed properly or maybe blown but what makes me think its not the speakers is when I plug headphones in, this should eliminate the speakers but there is still a slight crackle comeing threw the headphones not as bad tho.can anyone help with this please?Nice 1…:wink:

    might be the soundcard is fryed slightly … possably a loose wire or dodgy solder

    i think most laptops have onboard sound .. i not too shit hot on laptops but would imagin this is the case; if it is then you will have to replace the whole mother board to fix it … (have you tryed pluging in something other than your headphones eg. an external pair of speakers?)

    doubt it’s this .. but could it be the recording of what you are playing that’s distorted?


    in the middle of a mix lol

    i had a fucking clicking/buzzing noise coming out of my speakers from my pc every time i moved my mouse for ages after i built my pc … found out eventualy it was the motherboard and the way the wireing (some massive coil) was next to the pc speaker inside or some shit ..and it picked up any movement of the mouse and transformed it into sound out my speakers lol .. had to turn off the pc speaker (the thing that goes beep inside ur pc) to get rid of it (i never use that shit n e way) then it was all good …

    i don’t think laptops have that .. might be worth a try tho to see if you have one … what os you use?

    i reckon its either the soundcard, or the power supply feedback interfering with it. do u get this problem when its not plugged in2 the power

    yea still same problem when not pluged in.I am going to try wiering some speakers up to it today but I dont think that will make any differance as I would be useing the headphone out anyway which still has a slightl crackle but not as bad.
    It dosent sound like a loose conection either (I think they have a distinctive sound this sounds more like its the computer its self if you no what I mean?).
    Thanx for the advice any more would be well apreciated.

    If you get a crackle through the headphones too then the problem is from the soundcard, using different speakers will make no difference.

    @Buzz 378662 wrote:

    If you get a crackle through the headphones too then the problem is from the soundcard, using different speakers will make no difference.

    Thats exactly what I was thinking…Nice 1..

    I just wanted to rule out it wasn’t the headphones being seperatly fucked as ou said it doesn’t crackle as much (so may be a dif prob) alltho i could of just said plug the headphones into something else to test them … sounds like it’s more likely to be the soundcard tho tbh (was just trying to rule everything else out that you could fix for cheep/free b4 forking out for a new soundcard/laptop

    you could always get an external soundcard rather than replacing the original

    @Buzz 378712 wrote:

    you could always get an external soundcard rather than replacing the original

    How dose that work and how much would 1 cost, do you no?

    Sorry DF forgot to say “yea the head phones are fine” cheers anyway..

    it really depends, 20 quid and up tho

    in basics-
    plugs into ur usb and channels sound thru that instead of ur soundcard

    Yeah – USB soundcard would likely be the best way to go and would give you good line in as well (laptops usually only have mic in)… You can get cheap and cheerful up to serious audio and everything in between, so theres a fair bit of choice.

    re the laptop: if you’re relatively competent technically it would be worth opening it up and checking if there is a connector cable that runs from the motherboard/soundcard to the on board speakers and line out socket. If there is, check and clean the connection at both ends if possible (unplug the cable and check for any corrosion or damage to the header plugs at the ends or dirt on the pins, and check generally around the connection headers for anything that might be causing the crackle).

    What make and model of laptop is it? I can probably get an e-format service manual for you if it’s an acer, sony or one of the other common makes…:crazy_fre

    @noname 378794 wrote:

    Yeah – USB soundcard would likely be the best way to go and would give you good line in as well (laptops usually only have mic in)… You can get cheap and cheerful up to serious audio and everything in between, so theres a fair bit of choice.

    re the laptop: if you’re relatively competent technically it would be worth opening it up and checking if there is a connector cable that runs from the motherboard/soundcard to the on board speakers and line out socket. If there is, check and clean the connection at both ends if possible (unplug the cable and check for any corrosion or damage to the header plugs at the ends or dirt on the pins, and check generally around the connection headers for anything that might be causing the crackle).

    What make and model of laptop is it? I can probably get an e-format service manual for you if it’s an acer, sony or one of the other common makes…:crazy_fre

    yea nice 1 for the link.
    I was planing on takeing the thing apart and checking speaker conections and all other cable 2 sound card conectioons.
    The lap top is an E.system so if you could get us a manual that would be shit hot.
    Nice 1.:wink:






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Lap top speakers.