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What amp should I get for party use?

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology What amp should I get for party use?

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  • I’m looking to start regularly throwing large scale parties (starting this summer at around 50-100 people, but hopefully getting larger as the years go by.), currently my only speakers are at about 300W total I’m not sure though.
    I am likely to expand my speaker setup though in the future.
    By the way, this isn’t for band set up, it’s for DJs.
    I’m currently saving to buy an amplifier, but there is so much choice that i have no idea what to go for.
    I’m looking for £100-£250 new OR second hand.
    What amps should I look out for?
    What would you reccomend size wise? I was thinking 1/3Kw myself, but I’d like another opinion.


    amplifiers must suit the speaker output, no point getting a 3kw amp for a 100w pair of speakers.

    likewise dont power a 1000w sub with a 50w amp.

    you should use power amps. no hifi amps etc.

    avoid skytronic/skytec.

    behringer EP2500 / EP1500: very good amp that is cheapish second hand.

    tip1: your likely to get fucked over by OB at least once
    tip2: you need lots of money

    Cheers, what do you mean by OB?


    Scotland ftw

    @Buzz 381749 wrote:

    Scotland ftw


    @Buzz 381749 wrote:

    Scotland ftw

    I thought Scotland had been turned into one giant call centre, not a bass bin :laugh_at:

    So, what makes of amplifier should i look out for, known and reliable brands? and also, any i should definitely NOT buy :L

    @General Lighting 381764 wrote:

    I thought Scotland had been turned into one giant call centre, not a bass bin :laugh_at:

    if only you knew……

    @Fokwise 381827 wrote:

    So, what makes of amplifier should i look out for, known and reliable brands? and also, any i should definitely NOT buy :L

    as i said, avoid skytec, skytronic, prosound..

    good cheap amps:
    behringer, matrix

    Alright, sound mate. Cheers for that.


    What are your thoughts on the QSC Model 1700? there is one on ebay for an available price.

    @Fokwise 382020 wrote:

    What are your thoughts on the QSC Model 1700? there is one on ebay for an available price.

    Definatly a good make but chek condition etc..

    behringer ep2500’s are good amps i think, and youll def be able to get one in that price range, as long as theyre not being pushed too hard they go all night, ours have been rinsed all night on bass duties and never miss a beat.

    other similar price and power amps are c-mark 2650’s, alot of people rate them as budget amps, ive had two of the less powerful 2450 versions which both broke, but are easy fixes and alot to do being poorly set up whilst still learning the ropes,

    both these brands are easy to come by and affordable,

    what speakers and amps do you already own?






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology What amp should I get for party use?