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techie advise mp4 or mp6?

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology techie advise mp4 or mp6?

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  • right – am thinking of treating myself

    am thinking of a multi-media player

    cant afford much so these are my options:

    Kubik Edge II 8GB 2.8″ Touch Screen MP3 & Video Player: Electronics


    The Bomb MP6 Player : Touch Screen MP4 Player

    I am swaying to the 1st one (kubik) as it has a camera too –

    but would value any advise from more technically knowledgeable peeps – as i dont even know how to download films etc yet – and this is what I would like to watch on it

    any help much appreciated


    i didnt realise mp6 even existed! so i would steer clear of that as to me it (appears) that they are either blatantly lying, or dont know the products they are selling

    i think the first is better, however i might tend to steer clear of cheaper touchscreen players as they can be a pain in the arse!
    However the guys at MP4 Nation Online MP4 Player Store seem to be pretty good, and ive heard good things of their ‘S:FLO’ devices (thats if they still do them… i havent been part of that community since i got apple stuff)


    mp6 is the model number of it. as you correctly say there is no such format…

    I used to listen to music on my phone but stopped doing this after nearly cycling straight into a large hole Anglian Water had made in the road. Worse, there was all sorts of signposts and barriers and lamps which I had just overlooked, in a part of town where it is unusual not to encounter roadworks…

    what. a tit. didnt read it properly lol.

    Hence my request for advice ….. :crazy:

    I’d never heard of mp6 before tonight either….

    cant afford apple so am having to look for alternatives

    had a really shit week :hopeless::hopeless: so fancy a little consumerism ‘pick me up’ ..

    and GL – would mainly be using it in the gym / indoors etc – I’d not use headphones / etc on a ‘proper bike’ these days far too dangerous for me! :group_hug

    :group_hug :group_hug for your week :).
    whats your budget?

    im afraid to admit im a bit naughty and when im cycling i usually have my ipod in…

    @joshd96320 403761 wrote:

    :group_hug :group_hug for your week :).
    whats your budget?

    im afraid to admit im a bit naughty and when im cycling i usually have my ipod in…

    budget about £60

    basically I’d like something I can watch ‘tv series’ on in the gym
    nothing special or glorious

    been a bit pathetic this week and struggled ++, esp with with my essay – cant get the idea of structure and critical analysis of literature and research in my head…..

    I used to have a ZEN VISION W. was a beast!

    My mates got a ZEN mp3 player .. it’s propper bo!

    @DaftFader 403819 wrote:

    My mates got a ZEN mp3 player .. it’s propper bo!

    i don’t remember doing it but i threw it across the room. bad cid trip!! i was young and foolish.

    Kubik Edge II 8GB 2.8″ Touch Screen MP3 & Video Player: Electronics

    I got this one,

    am waiting for it to be delivered,

    so please be expecting techie advise on how to get stuff onto it :laugh_at:

    was thinking of being good and not opening it til thus when I hand the essay in :weee:
    sort of pressie to myself

    @Tank Girl 407074 wrote:

    Kubik Edge II 8GB 2.8″ Touch Screen MP3 & Video Player: Electronics

    I got this one,

    am waiting for it to be delivered,

    so please be expecting techie advise on how to get stuff onto it :laugh_at:

    was thinking of being good and not opening it til thus when I hand the essay in :weee:
    sort of pressie to myself

    nice one, hopeing to get an MP3 player for christmas myself.






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology techie advise mp4 or mp6?