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  • Had a go on this today, its very impressive. Going to make Sonys new system look like your just waving a stick around with a ping pong ball on the end. :weee:

    anyone getting one? I want.

    the advert looks awesome. 8)

    @harr!et 405884 wrote:

    the advert looks awesome. 8)

    Had a go in sansburys; considering it was busy, set up in the doorway and my GF stood right next to me its rather impressive it could track my movements. Really want one but its too expensive and will take a while for any good games to come out I think.

    You can use it for video chat too and it tracks your movements so you can walk about your room and the camera will move to follow you. Well funky.

    nice. how much is it?
    i was wondering what kind of games you could play with it though, would it just be like wii sports for xbox? cos i get a bit bored of those games after a while. i’d probably end up just sticking to good old regular xbox. rainbow six vegas 2 or mw2. i have black ops but i haven’t played it yet.

    @harr!et 405893 wrote:

    nice. how much is it?
    i was wondering what kind of games you could play with it though, would it just be like wii sports for xbox? cos i get a bit bored of those games after a while. i’d probably end up just sticking to good old regular xbox. rainbow six vegas 2 or mw2. i have black ops but i haven’t played it yet.

    £130 but I am sure that will come down after Christmas and what not. I think you have a point about how they use it. Will take some time to see what they can do and I guess its gonna be the more family type games that will use it. Serious gaming will been with a control pad for a good few years yet I hope.

    Be good fun with friends though perhaps, dunno. Getting a wii this Christmas to but no idea what I will do once I have finished mario.

    Wish I could afford black opps but cannot justify paying for it as I am not a big fan of online play. Rainbow Six good?

    yeah, i think you’d get tired playing proper games if you had to stand up and move around the whole time. we have a wii so i suppose there’s not much point in getting kinect.
    isn’t there a new mario coming out? there was a countdown timer when i went into game a few weeks ago.
    and yes! 😀 rainbow six is one of my favourite games, probably on par for modern warfare 2 but for different reasons. i don’t like online play either, i get about a 3 kill streak and then i die.

    @harr!et 405895 wrote:

    yeah, i think you’d get tired playing proper games if you had to stand up and move around the whole time. we have a wii so i suppose there’s not much point in getting kinect.
    isn’t there a new mario coming out? there was a countdown timer when i went into game a few weeks ago.
    and yes! 😀 rainbow six is one of my favourite games, probably on par for modern warfare 2 but for different reasons. i don’t like online play either, i get about a 3 kill streak and then i die.

    There is a new Mario for Christmas yup, looked good from what I saw. Might have to have a look at rainbow six. Just bought Brothers In Arms 3: Hell’s Highway as it was only a tenner on play and has good enough reviews (WW2 FPS) so will have to see what thats like next. Currently totally addicted to Alan Wake (only 14 quid on play, I love play).

    I find online FPS is far too repetitive and full of 14 year old kids.

    i was gunna get black ops – looks quality and all my mates have it, but just spent 10 quid on me car :(, and blockbuster was outta stock so cant trade in

    wooo and nazi zombies are back! i can’t play it til i get back to my mother’s house on thursday though :’/ and zombie games actually scare me a bit too much.
    theres a modern warfare 3 in production that will hopefully come out in 2011, i can’t wait for that. i prefer infinity ward to treyarch, i dunno why.

    is the new mario just like, the other mario wii game or do you do different stuff on it? like mario kart? and what is alan wake?


    @harr!et 405908 wrote:

    wooo and nazi zombies are back! i can’t play it til i get back to my mother’s house on thursday though :’/ and zombie games actually scare me a bit too much.
    theres a modern warfare 3 in production that will hopefully come out in 2011, i can’t wait for that. i prefer infinity ward to treyarch, i dunno why.

    is the new mario just like, the other mario wii game or do you do different stuff on it? like mario kart? and what is alan wake?

    no idea really, assuming its simular to the last mario game; no mario kart. Alan Wake is this thriller horror game which sorta mix’s complex plotting with FPS action. I guess its halfway between a FPS and an RPG with a horror/thriller theme. <–trailer

    I only got an xbox360 last year so I am rather new to it all

    just played black ops.. it really is aweeesome. nazi zombie level is scary though 😐
    alan wake sounds alright.. 🙂 i’ll get it for my brother for christmas so i can play it.

    @1984 405892 wrote:

    You can use it for video chat too and it tracks your movements so you can walk about your room and the camera will move to follow you. Well funky.

    My web cam does this and it cost me about £40

    @DaftFader 406157 wrote:

    My web cam does this and it cost me about £40

    nice, its a feature I will never use but its a nice extra.

    @harr!et 405908 wrote:

    wooo and nazi zombies are back! i can’t play it til i get back to my mother’s house on thursday though :’/ and zombie games actually scare me a bit too much.
    theres a modern warfare 3 in production that will hopefully come out in 2011, i can’t wait for that. i prefer infinity ward to treyarch, i dunno why.

    is the new mario just like, the other mario wii game or do you do different stuff on it? like mario kart? and what is alan wake?

    YAY! Yet another campfest populated with ADHD riddled kids.

    What could they possibly do to take the genre further than Battlefield has.

    Why do you perfer the company that sacked MW inventors ,Jason West and studio head Vince Zampella ? Effectivey killing the very thing that made it great, now your just in for reboot after reboot with each cash on the name.

    If you like FPS have you seen DUST 514? This will brake what ever MW cast off /
    MOH/Battlfieldofbadheros67 have to offer
    DUST 514 – First Person Shooter / MMO Hybrid

    Kinetic a massive gimmick from a dieing console, any one remember this

    for the Genesis, SegaCD and 32X and look where it got Sega, deleted!






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