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.PHP files

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  • all you tech heads out here.. anyone know what program i can use to create a .PHP file?

    notepad ++ to edit it.

    a PHP file controls other servers to grab data from a database and (usually) make it into text output or a web page.

    I write PHP in Dreamweaver – it has a vague form of intellisense and for web development it has just everything you need. It’ll write PHP for you if you want it to – just need to learn about database connections, recordsets and such (not difficult). You can make pretty sophisticated sites using in-built Dreamweaver tools and there are a load of extensions available for pretty much anything. I’ve produced complex sites using just Dreamweaver (starting to sound like an Adobe salesman!)

    Not sure if you know, but if you’re running Windows you need to configure Internet Information Services to run PHP on your own computer, and if you’re integrating a database it’s best to use MySQL. Apologies if you know this…if you don’t there’s a load of info on the web on how to set it all up.

    Text editors are great if you know the syntax – I use Editplus for quick editing.

    Good luck 🙂

    i bloody love php.

    can use notepad if your not writing anything too complex. I personally use dreamweaver as it highlights my syntaxes nicely.

    if your wanting to do anything decent your going to need a webserver with a database too… (easiest most straightforward solution is WAMP which will install Apache[webserver], MySQL [database engine], PHP [the amazing language].

    what are you trying to code?

    $name = “Josh”;
    echo “Regards,


    macromedia dreamweaver is the best, and can be found (if u know where to look) for free….costs a fuckin bomb to buy

    @joshd96320 407663 wrote:

    i bloody love php.

    can use notepad if your not writing anything too complex. I personally use dreamweaver as it highlights my syntaxes nicely.

    if your wanting to do anything decent your going to need a webserver with a database too… (easiest most straightforward solution is WAMP which will install Apache[webserver], MySQL [database engine], PHP [the amazing language].

    what are you trying to code?

    $name = “Josh”;
    echo “Regards,



    dude, if this isn’t for a joke on your mates, perhaps not the smartest thing to admit to when you are on tag… 😉

    seriously mate, feds these days will put 2 and 2 together and make 400 and then you are really in the shit.. it would be like me (being a British Asian dude) playing around with fireworks, home made explosives and detonators – even if it it is “just for fun”, I would still get in a fuckload of unwanted bother..

    @smokeitup 409240 wrote:

    trying to write a phishing file. but it wont let me save it as .PHP in notepad

    that does sound well dodgy lol

    true dat. didnt think. all i wanted to do was bring down a government organisation 😉

    lol, its easy. but i dont do it.

    die(“Mada faka!”);

    That’s all there is to it lol.






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