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  • right Sir Jasper has taken to walking over the laptop

    I have now lost my ?tool bar

    it will only come up if I ‘hover’ over it –

    how do I get it back?

    and before you even think about it Daft – dont bloody reply !!!

    I remember your last piece of computer advice to me :laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at:

    Side click, make sure ‘hide toolbar’ isn’t ticked?

    @p0ly 412889 wrote:

    Side click, make sure ‘hide toolbar’ isn’t ticked?


    thanks honey !!! :love:

    your a star :bounce_fl:bounce_fl

    (I’m a bit shit with propper computer stuff)

    Hi ,
    Poly gives sound advice , seems like a winner to me


    Do that, then download this to stop it happening again!

    It’s a bit of software that senses when a cat starts mashing the keys and triggers an annoying noise to get rid of it!


    @cheeseweasel 412944 wrote:

    Do that, then download this to stop it happening again!

    It’s a bit of software that senses when a cat starts mashing the keys and triggers an annoying noise to get rid of it!

    wooooooaaah…. Hang on… It ‘monitors’ your keystrokes… Runs in the background,,, and detects if random buttons are pressed…? Uhm…. It screams keylogger at me…

    @Tank Girl 412885 wrote:

    right Sir Jasper has taken to walking over the laptop

    I have now lost my ?tool bar

    it will only come up if I ‘hover’ over it –

    how do I get it back?

    and before you even think about it Daft – dont bloody reply !!!

    I remember your last piece of computer advice to me :laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at:

    lol what I do? 😥

    @DaftFader 413181 wrote:

    lol what I do? 😥

    I asked how to do the ‘heart’ thing on Facecrack and you told me something that just switched off my puter / screen and I kept doing it as I thought I was doiung it wrong!! :laugh_at::laugh_at:

    Hi Tank Girl ,
    Now see my advice was spit on a wrag and wipe the slate clean …..that was the good thing about chalk and slate 🙂 . However back in the real world …..:-O , you could if all else fails …….a restore to a previous date !!!!! ….yes i know Tank Girl ….in our day it was Doctor Who and time travel lol …….but we have pc’s now …seems we are all time travellers now lol

    space cadet Mungo

    ps on re-entry ……you got me burning up lol

    I dont like the new dr who

    Hi Tank Girl ,
    All of them or just the latest one ?


    @mungo1972 413222 wrote:

    Hi Tank Girl ,
    All of them or just the latest one ?


    I liked the last one – forgot his name but think he’s quite sexy

    didnt like the one today

    haha I do stuff like that to so many people :laugh_at:

    I play alot of pc games and if you press Alt+f4 it will close any window open encluding a full screen game in most cases …. so when noobs ask for help i just tell them alt+f4 … and they vanish for a while lol (It’s a rolling online gamer gag that alot of people do :wink:)

    @DaftFader 413225 wrote:

    haha I do stuff like that to so many people :laugh_at:

    I play alot of pc games and if you press Alt+f4 it will close any window open encluding a full screen game in most cases …. so when noobs ask for help i just tell them alt+f4 … and they vanish for a while lol (It’s a rolling online gamer gag that alot of people do :wink:)

    naughty naughty :egg:






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